Do you look younger than your age?

Do you look younger than your age?

Could this be autism related?

 An autistic friend mentioned this to me the other day and then it was commented on in a thread here today.

I do look younger than my age and so does my friend - maybe by as much as a decade (on a good day).

  • Yes, as per my other thread response.

    My mum also looks very young for her age. As does my daughter.

  • I’m 55, my hair went grey quite early, my paternal side is Irish,  I refer to my hair highlights as erotic silver!  I was able to Cossack dance when I was younger, my body is most probably younger than my age, no varicose veins, lumps, bumps or wrinkles. My wife says I have legs like Nijinsky, I don’t know if she means the ballet dancer or the horse. My skin tone is Mediterranean,  my maternal side is Jewish.

  • yeah when the age comes on it tends to catch up, especially with constant stresses.

    i noticed sweating and exercise ages you faster. despite it making your body fitter and mire toned it has a effect of the sweat causing hair growth on the chest more while causing hair loss on the head more likely due to sweat pore blockage and excercise induced stress chemicals

  • i always was told i look 10 years younger than i am.... not sure if this is still the case of not, my beard i grew out added some age to me, and my hair is thinning and receding a bit now as im 33 so thats likely massively adding age to me... although one person commented saying im balding and made it out that im young for it so i guess they probs think in in my 20s then if they think im too young to have receding thinning hair lol i think 33 is a good run on hair for men, most have already lopped it all off by now but mine is still longish and hoboish as i dont really go to barbers often. i might look younger if i just lopped it all off tbh lol

  • I’ve always looked young for my age, used to get asked for ID when I bought alcohol in my late twenties. Now I’m 42 everyone still assumes I’m far younger. Mannerisms and behaviour as well as physical appearance maybe? 

  • Yes, I always get treated much younger than I am, I dont bother I just go along with it. 

    I think people in their 70s plus look great, and all ages matter.

  • Yes I have often been told throughout my lifetime that I look younger than my years. 

  • Thanks Claire. At the end of the day ‘it’s just something I go about in’ as the Doctor once said. Maybe easier not to care so much when you’ve had a few. Faces I mean. 

  • Someone last week said "no way!" upon hearing I was alive in the 1990s.

    I was born in the mid 80s.

    I can't even walk into certain pubs without being asked for ID. I've never tried ordering alcohol as I'm not interested.

    Once in my mid 20s I was stopped going through airport security and asked where my parents were.

    I've heard this is common for autistic people.

  • I did it was really good. :) 

    If people tell you things like that don't listen to them. No one has a right to tell you how you look. The only thing that matters is that you know you're beautiful inside and out, as will the people who really matter.

  • By the way, thank you for that kind offer of compliments on demand. But the ‘rules’ don’t allow me to chase a compensatory offset.  It’s only real if it’s waited for. And that could come after weeks, months, years, never. 
    By the way, when I say god-like powers in others  Im not being literal- it’s not something I actually believe. It’s just how it feels. A clumsy analogy. 

  • (No, I genuinely haven’t)

  • The Invention of Lying is the film. Ricky Gervais made it. I’ve never seen it. (Or have I? Eh? Eh?)

  • I look younger than my age but I don’t think the gap is so big now I’m nearly 40 (having a child definitely aged me!) when I was 30 people would think I’m early 20s, now I probably look more like 5 years younger? I also wear clothes and use accessories that people would expect under 25s to which probably helps. My 6 year old still thinks I’m absolutely ancient though gotta love kids. A lot of people seem to think that it’s lack of facial expressions keeping the skin supple, which may be true as I’ve noticed quite a lot of Deaf people (who use BSL) look older for their age due to a high use of  facial expression whilst signing

  • Well when that happens you can simply start a discussion here and ask us to tell you how beautiful you are hehe.

    I also tend to get very attached to what people say about me. In the past it was to a worrying level, if someone told me that I'm selfish or lying then I'd wonder if I was!. Or that I'm too sensitive to lights for instance and so on. The more I learn about myself the more I'm confident that I know myself well and that people are misunderstanding me. Also recently I've learned that it's a struggle among lots of autistic people to be misunderstood so that gave me some validation.

    I guess part of it is also about the fact that I actually believe what is said. There's a movie about a world where lies were not created yet and everyone believes everyone instantly. I think my brain lives there.

  • I do look younger than my age since I was in highschool people have told me that. I'm 30 and people think that I'm 24 or so. Part of it maybe because I don't like wearing makeup nor the stereotypical adult women clothing, so I have jeans, a shirt, snickers and a backbag all super comfy and practical without rings or accessories. I don't colour my hair or style it almost at all, I keep it short to never have to do any of that. I also tend to be shy, anxious about talking to someone I don't know or in social groups and I have a what can be very low volume of voice sometimes the person I'm talking to can't hear me but rarely it happens because I try to "shout" while talking to others. I think all of that together with years of not having rich face-expressions make me appear younger. Also, I'm allergic to sun so I extra protect myself from it and one of the positive sides is better preservation of the skin. I also love my creams routine in the morning and before sleeping!. Also, the needs to recharge as in calmness, rest, lots of sleep and so on maybe adds to it? But we tend to be more anxious too so idk about this. 

  • Genuinely unsure! I’ve had some people tel me I look ancient, but I think part of that is that they can’t see past the hair loss. Fair enough. I’ve had others tell me I look significantly younger than I am. One person told me three years ago that I was ‘wearing extremely well’ which momentarily changed the way I perceived myself. Though it wasn’t too long until the next more condemning comment from someone else. I often find the last thing said to me by someone becomes the objective truth for a while - like I’m in a world of godlike beings with the power to set reality and overwrite the last one. And I’m the only mortal with no influence. 

    So if someone tells me tomorrow that I’m ugly and look 75, then that is the new reality and unless someone later says something to the contrary, I’m stuck that way. 

  • I look younger for my age and people think I'm joking when tell them it's my big birthday this year. People ask me are you a student? Working? Tell them I belong to a group which do different types of things. 

    Unfortunately I don't have to show ID when buying paracetamol. 

  • I'm 35 and still get asked for ID to buy alcohol with the supermarket 'under 25' rules. I don't know if it's autism related for me- my mum also looks a lot younger than her age, and she isn't autistic.

  • Yes I'm 31 and still get asked what year of secondary school I'm in. Also I was at the doctor's recently, both me and my mother had separate appointments and when it was my turn the nurse asked if I needed my mother to come inside with me, she thought I was a kid and told me she was shocked when she realised I wasn't! It happens quite a bit actually.