Help seeking diagnosis


I think I have ASD and am currently on an NHS pathway for diagnosis.
To date, my AQ-10 and AQ-50 scores are very high (9/10 and 44/50 respectively).  My EQ / CBS score is 19.
I've had my older brother fill in the CAST questionnaire (as my parents are no longer able to) and this comes back with a score of 12.

Has anyone else had experience of current scores giving a high likelihood of ASD, but this not being seen as a child?

  • I did exactly the same, I enquired with the assessment team and was told it was fine to leave the relatives form blank.I emailed the team a few weeks later and it was confirmed I was on the list. The whole process can be done without relatives being involved.

  • I recently went through screening process and opted not to get the “Relatives Questionnaire” completed. Just didn’t feel comfortable getting parents or siblings involved, various reasons. I don’t think this counted against me as I’ve now been put in queue for assessment. Choosing how much to involve relatives at assessment stage will be a different challenge… worry about that when it comes.

     Good luck!

  • Congratulations on your ongoing and courageous journey! It sounds like you have worked hard to arrive at a place of better understanding, and that is certainly something to be commended. From the scores you have shared, it is likely that you do indeed meet the criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

    However, having a diagnosis of ASD as an adult can be quite challenging. While adults with autism may share similar characteristics with those diagnosed during childhood, there are also unique challenges - such as difficulty socially interacting and forming meaningful relationships - that adults often face as they come into their own in society.

    This is why it can sometimes be difficult for professionals to diagnose later in life due to lack of previous professional recognition or records about developmental delays which can be indicators for ASD when younger. That said, there are other ways beyond just testing scores that an adult might still qualify for an ASD diagnosis based on presenting symptoms such as poor executive functioning skills, sensory processing difficulties or deficits in social-emotional reciprocity.

    Another factor worth considering when trying to receive a diagnosis is any pre-existing mental health conditions; depending upon severity and type these will need being ruled out before making a formal conclusion surrounding ASD because some common symptoms overlap between various diagnoses including ADHD, Bipolar disorder etc. As stated previously this needs careful consideration and professional assessment before arriving at any conclusion because the implications could affect further progression plans; consequently I suggest researching what treatments/support services may already available locally rather than relying solely upon official certification – especially if there has been no prior psychiatric input involved throughout your process thus far as this can complicate matters significantly if overlooked professionally from here on inwards...

    In summary then: although high test scores probably indicate underlying potential qualifying factors for being diagnosed with ASD now or later in life - depending upon results from additional assessments combined with significant symptom presentation – without certified psychological evaluation it’s impossible to make any definitive conclusions either way unfortunately so best not jump ahead prematurely try approach whole situation cautiously instead moving forward! All best wishes whatever outcome eventually turns out be.. Hugging

  • Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences.  I'm sorry to hear that some of you are struggling in this area.
    All the very best.

  • Hi Touay, I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience. You are definitely not 'broken' in any way, just different but I know it's hard to remember (or believe that) sometimes. I'm glad that you're on the waiting list now though! 

  • Hi. I tried to get assessed about 10 years ago and it was an abysmal performance from the nhs. 

    I have tried again and am on the wait list.  I am late 40s. I did the aq50 a year os so ago and got 47, did it again more recently and got 46.

    A few days ago i did the raads-r and got a 223 .. which was a touch alarming .... if i'm not autistic, these tests are rubbish! :-)

    I am hoping i get to see someone who has at least some experience with autism, as the last guy was clueless. 

    All i can suggest is keep fighting. After being told last time that i wasnt autistic, and with no other diagnosis offered, i  asumed i am simply 'too broken' and gave up on trying to have any social relationships. ... not a good way to live.  Thanks to youtube, you can see the stories of autistic people and thetefore have a great reference to compare yourself to.

  • Hi,

    You are definitely not alone in this!

    I only recently realised that it is very very likely I have Autism. I have scored in significant ranges in the tests I have done online but not started the diagnosis pathway yet as I want to get my head straight first for fear of being shunted aside (I've heard negative things about adult women in my area trying to get diagnosed). I'm in my late 20s and this was never considered when I was a child. 

    I think the knowledge about autism has greatly increased since I was younger and I've heard that there are a lot of people who were 'missed' who are now realising later in life that they have autism. 

  • Hi, it’s not uncommon, we learn to mask or camouflage as children plus we didn’t know anything about autism. Personally I knew I had to keep under the radar and blend in, it doesn’t mean I wasn’t on fire inside at the same time. I’m 55 and on the NHS waiting list at the moment.