Paranormal experiences?

I was chatting about this at one point to Steven so our conversation has inspired this thread (and hopefully may bring him back amongst us) Blush

I've had a long number of experiences in my life including:

Poltergeist activity

Hearing 'ghostly' sounds

Seeing 'ghostly' figures

Machinery not working around me

Radios affected by me

Telepathy with loved ones

Prophetic dreams

Feeling colours in the hands of others ie if they are holding something red, knowing which hand it is in

Sensing spirits, including malevolent

Once using a ouija board where I the marker went mad, had a life of its own and upon me asking who we were talking to it spelt out (very quickly) my late grandfather's name.

I could go on ...

Does anyone else have any experience, and please share your (obviously sometimes sceptical) view on this.

  • This one time I woke up and (I didn't see anything) heard my door open, someone walk up to me, lean over me and whispered "hold on" repeatedly in my ears. It felt almost like it was echoing and the only reason I knew it wasn't an actual person was because it echoed in both my ears even though my right ear was pressed into the pillow. I thought to myself "I can just roll over and see who it is" but I had this overwhelming urge not to, like it would be dangerous if I did.

    So I laid there for a while until I felt him just disappear and then went back to sleep.

  • I never thought much of witchcraft or the supernatural. Not that I dismissed it just because I never really thought about it much, to me it was tales of fantasy, the sort of things you see in movies and books. But I do now consider myself a Witch. I’ve been following the arts and ways of Witchcraft now for about 13 years. I do believe in Witchcraft. I conjure spells, I read books about it and magic, I bless people, sometimes feel like I want to curse people but I don’t want darkness in my soul so I haven’t done that. For me Witchcraft has opened my eyes, broadened my horizons and explained so many things for me, a bit like my autism diagnosis. I’ve interacted with other Witches, some were dedicated, others just finding their way or trialling this way of life and seeing if it’s for them. I can’t imagine living my life any other way now. I don’t talk about it all the time, obviously never to complete strangers as it wouldn’t sound or look very good. I dress normally, quite old fashioned I suppose but then I do like to stand out from the crowd. I carry a wand, naturally. I carry a bag to put recipe ingredients in, I go out frequently to find ingredients, all natural things for spells. I sometimes take my spell book – my own I’ve made myself – but not often as I’m afraid of losing it. And here’s what led me down this wonderful and exciting path. I was very poorly, I’d had different treatments and nothing was showing any signs of working and out of nowhere one night I had a dream. It was the day before my next treatment session. In this dream I was a Witch and as I remember it I was a lot older, and it was almost like a premonition of what might be my future. In this dream I was stirring up a potion of luck and health. When I woke up I could remember it clearly, very unusual for me as I normally forget dreams as soon as they end. But not this one! This one was different, it felt different. So I spent the whole day before that appointment studying as much as I could, looking up the best spells, the best recipes (thank you the internet!), and then I conjured one that evening. I little candles. I did everything I right, no mistakes, my life might depend on it.....

    And the next day I had my treatment. And after my next scan the results showed, no tumour growth! I continued practicing my witchcraft and my spells and each hospital result showed I was getting better until I was completely healthy again.
    Maybe it wasn’t Witchcraft?
    Maybe it was just a coincidence.

    But for me it was too much of a coincidence so I decided this aspect of the Supernatural must exist and I was a Witch so I continued studying and I haven’t looked back since.

    It's also extremely good for my anxiety and depression.

  •   This is something I have experience for example, months before I had my first seizure, I had dreams about it happening and it did happen. I feel like sometimes I can vibes about certain situations but did not know if anyone else has experienced this? I feel it is something to do with my autism like someway of my mind try to protect myself 

  • The American stories follow ordinary people too, but certainly you don't kmow how true the stories are. 

  • Be careful what you wish for .... Scream

  • I haven't really watched anything on youtube of this nature as I don't know how trustworthy anything is really.  What's good about Uncanny is its every day folk telling their story. They also try and give a balanced view to explain in a "normal" sense what could be going on. The guy who puts it all together is also an excellent story teller. I'm not a fan of American ones for the reasons you stated.

  • I'm getting spooky vibes from this thread Thinking

    I really want to share my own... But I don't have any, which makes this comment a wee bit pointless but I wanted to be a part of it lol.

  • There is a similar show from the States, about hauntings, haunted houses and the like. Unfortunately they tend to spice things up with tales of demons.

    I suspect copies of British shows like Uncanny would be taken down here. 

    Then there are short stories of such things from an Australian channel. You Tube has plenty of such things to glut on. 

  • The Guest book is a good one. As are case 2&3 together! 

  • The latest episode of Uncanny was released yesterday -

    If anyone is interested in listening to real life stories! They often start with "I don't believe in the paranormal but this happened to me......"

  • Are you raising the dead here?


  • Things that go BUMP in the night .... Scream

  • I think I remember seeing a ball of lightning, though not in a house, but on the road, when travelling back from the seaside after a thunderstorm. I would have been about 7. 

  • Yet more definitive proof that faith, God and spirituality is a spectrum.....just like us.

  • I only recently found out about this organisation that appears to be an 'off-shoot' of the 'Church' and appears to be more accepting of  'spontaneous gifts of the Spirit':

    Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, is a Patron.

  • I believe in Paranormal experiences. There is too much evidence for such experiences to be dismissed out of hand. Some phenomena, such as telepathy or precognition, are difficult to explain within existing scientific frameworks.

    [Link removed by moderator]

  • It always amazes me how people manage to cope with experiences like yours. I'd soon be joining the ghosts if such scary things happened to me...

    I think, in later life, we can talk ourselves out of the reality of our experiences - 'It was dark'/'Just a shadow'/'I'm autistic' etc etc - and maybe that isn't as wise as it initially seems.

  • Have you viewed your paranormal experience(s) differently since becoming aware that you are autistic?

    I hadn't until I started this thread.

    Now I do.

    As always with the diagnosis, I now have a context for my experiences.

    I've learnt a lot from this thread, and really appreciate everyone's contributions.

    My earliest experiences were at 12 years old, so almost a half century ago.

    We were moved from a private house (compulsory repossession by the council) to a new one on a council estate.

    This was in Portsmouth and many roads of lovely old Victorian houses were demolished.

    I always felt that this was why the house was 'haunted', because it was built upon the ground where an old house with all the memories and emotions it contained, was demolished.

    I had objects thrown over my shoulder (from a height below me), I saw a dark shadow moving across the room (when the house was empty and the curtains drawn), I heard breathing and voices.

    I shouldn't really have been in this house on my own at 12 years until around 2am, but I was and this happened often.

    My father was on night work and my mum and sister when out to night clubs together.

    I've never been sure if those things that happened were because of my disturbed state of mind (ie I made them happen) or because of an exterior force.