What brings you joy and/or contentment?

For me it's various things, some of which are (in no particular order):

Quietude in myself, quiet in my surroundings

Being alone or being with people I care about (preferably one at a time)

Being with animals and insects, especially studying how they spend their days

Being at home, in my bedroom, reading a novel

Being in nature away from the noise made by people

Watching a bird flying high in the sky, especially a raptor

Looking at the moon

Being creative

  • Quietness.

    My own space.



    Rain, the sound of it is such a pleasant one.

    Thinking of family.

    Being here.

  • As there has been some conflict recently on the forum I thought I'd bring this calm thread back up, especially for the 'newbies'.

    I have been in the garden this morning stalking bees like a mad bee stalking woman and feel very calm from it (although I've probably made the bees anxious and one or two may have called the bee police).


  • Animals can be better company than people some times!

  • Thanks for making such a fun page :o) 

  • I've been reminding myself how to do calculus recently and it's bringing on a lot of happy flow state.

  • Running barefoot through the woods when there is just enough mud on the paths to soften them up but not so much that it's slippery, on a quiet weekday morning, when it's about 10-15C and sunny, listening to my favourite album, no injuries, not too tired, saying hello to the birds and squirrels.

  • So this is what I was trying to get at...I don't think we can say autistic and allistic answers would differ as it's more personal preference. I do think there's a difference between something which "brings joy" and "enjoying something" or maybe I'm being too pedantic.

    May I ask what it is you enjoy about them? Actually, I might enjoy a shopping mall if it's very quiet and I'm on a leisurely day out. But it's not something which would bring forth joy like nature would. Sometimes it's all about context!

  • I agree with nearly all of that.  Apart from the paragraph where you asked if anyone would enjoy being in a shopping mall. The answer is that some people would.  And i'm one of them. And i'm as Autistic as they come.  Life is complex, what can we say?  Autism is yet another complex part of life.

  • I think it's a matter of individual preference. I do like being around people on my terms although not necessarily taking part in interactions as such. (Eg at a gig...there's something akin to a religious experience with the togetherness of everyone present for the same reason and singing along). I do agree especially for me, that quiet past times are important however I know allistic people this would apply to too. And i understand it's common for autistic people to be very moved by nature and see the detail others don't. 

    LOL would anyone actually enjoy a busy shopping mall and the answer I have seen this weekend is YES although I don't think it'd bring contentedness for anyone.  

    I feel contendeness is a lot to do with being comfortable on your own in the world (ie not looking outwards to others for anything but finding it within). 

  • I have had  spells in my life where i have gotten joy from more social activities. Nowadays i'm  a recluse and my life is at a pretty low ebb.  This debate would a be a complex and intersecting one.

  • Because autistic people tend to like a quiet life (due to their sensitivities and, perhaps to a lesser degree, communication 'issues') and therefore quiet passtimes are important - as evidenced by the replies here eg. nature.

    I know allistic people who would get great joy from being in a large gathering of people, going to a busy theatre or shopping centre, acting, dancing, being at a party etc.

    It's also the difference between introverts and extroverts and the people on this forum, from my reading, would, I believe, mainly fall into the former category.

  • we have red kite here and they circle us when im walking the dog eeek....i think they're stalking the rabbits an dnot us?  :)

  • virtually the same as your list here apart from me being completely unable to read a novel.  I prefer non fiction and looking up facts when it comes to books. but yep i just really love nature and animals and being creative as well as spending silly fun times with my fave fmaily members Heart eyes

  • Why do you think that and what do you think would be different? Curious!

    Edit, I think I'm on the fence

  • I'm too mental for the Autistics and too Autistic for the mentalists.


  • Interesting you think that ... I think it would differ quite a lot ...

  • Yes and also, I'd be really curious to know how this would be responded to by a forum of allistic people.

    I think it'd be the same. 

  • The responses on a mental health forum would be different again.  I flit between a mental health forum and this one and feel that i don't fit into either of them. I'm too mental for the Autistics and too Autistic for the mentalists. lol

  • Painting and drawing. Sometimes though it can end up being a little too much like work, as now I want to enter galleries and shows on a more professional basis. I like working with  colour and pattern, sometimes with layers blending more and more complexity. 

    One thing I really miss from my earlier life is beach combing. Finding a semi-precious stone, or a beautiful sea shell. A sea shell with its exquisite pattern is like a small miracle, a cathedral of nature.

    You can get that with plants, too. There is a garden centre near me, and when you look at cacti for example, it's again like looking at a tiny miracle.

    My cats bring me great joy.

    Coming a good meal in the evening with a glass of decent red wine. That's a simple enough pleasure.

    At one time I used to get a lot of books and music to review in the post for free as I used to write stuff for an amateur fanzine. Now I get book files to read, music alas no. I used to listen to music a lot more than I do now, though. 

  • Thank you everyone for your replies which I've found really interesting.

    Contentedness means we are not constantly striving for happiness but appreciating what we already have. It's interesting how no one has said buying stuff or watching the news or using social media makes them happy or content.

    Yes and also, I'd be really curious to know how this would be responded to by a forum of allistic people.

    I think that the responses would differ greatly.