What brings you joy and/or contentment?

For me it's various things, some of which are (in no particular order):

Quietude in myself, quiet in my surroundings

Being alone or being with people I care about (preferably one at a time)

Being with animals and insects, especially studying how they spend their days

Being at home, in my bedroom, reading a novel

Being in nature away from the noise made by people

Watching a bird flying high in the sky, especially a raptor

Looking at the moon

Being creative

  • When it’s quiet. Sitting outside and only being able to hear the birds calling to each other or flittering past me to the pond or feeders. Watching and hearing the bees (sorry Shardovan!) as they check every single flower on one shrub. Noticing a fleck of red on the ground and realising it’s a ladybird trying to navigate its way through the maze of green grass. Recognising the whistle like sound of a red kite and looking up to see it soaring in a wide circle above me, then realising the smaller birds have all become silent and nowhere to be seen. Standing completely still at my window while the pair of blue *** investigate the bird box I put up a month ago, for the third time that day. Sitting outside in the evening with a fire crackling away and looking up at the stars, remembering just how small and insignificant we all really are.

    Then I’ll hear my neighbours and it’ll all be ruined Joy 

  • we have red kite here and they circle us when im walking the dog eeek....i think they're stalking the rabbits an dnot us?  :)

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