What brings you joy and/or contentment?

For me it's various things, some of which are (in no particular order):

Quietude in myself, quiet in my surroundings

Being alone or being with people I care about (preferably one at a time)

Being with animals and insects, especially studying how they spend their days

Being at home, in my bedroom, reading a novel

Being in nature away from the noise made by people

Watching a bird flying high in the sky, especially a raptor

Looking at the moon

Being creative

  • Thank you everyone for your replies which I've found really interesting.

    Contentedness means we are not constantly striving for happiness but appreciating what we already have. It's interesting how no one has said buying stuff or watching the news or using social media makes them happy or content.

    Yes and also, I'd be really curious to know how this would be responded to by a forum of allistic people.

    I think that the responses would differ greatly.

  • The responses on a mental health forum would be different again.  I flit between a mental health forum and this one and feel that i don't fit into either of them. I'm too mental for the Autistics and too Autistic for the mentalists. lol

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