Describe your very unique interest/passion

Please share your interest to me through these questions. Feel free to answer as you wish but use the questions as a guide please.

  1. What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?
  2. At what age did it come to you?
  3. How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?
  4. Has it evolved into other subtopics?
  5. How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

  • I am interested in business, now construction investing, also real estate, stocks but mostly just to open a company.
  • It came to me at age 18 and have now during 8 years grown steady and with more power throught the years. 
  • I spend around 1 hour atleast, sometimes i just think about my future life and really seem to be living in my mind.
  • I´ve also interests in subtopics like leadership, personal growth, reading books ect.
  • Still not achieved my vision but atleast, I´ve read, found a passion and soon to start college, but I haven´t found a good company to open yet.

Now, I am definitely more interested in your interests than mine but wanted to share my own as a warmup. 

I am so happy to read what passion you have in your life, how it came to you and how it reveals itself.


  • Yes, I think we probably all need a slightly different combination of medication and/or therapy depending on what else is going on in our lives and how our bodies react to meds. I've done well with sertraline and acceptance therapy, because I had few side effects from that medication and acceptance therapy is good for chronically ill/disabled people. But that might be a terrible combination for someone else.

    I couldn't tell you if you're depressed because you're autistic, but depression and autism often do occur alongside each other. I don't know whether that's inherent to autistic brains or if it's an effect of living in a world that's hard for us to handle- I lean towards the latter.

  • I was pointing out the positive side, I'm aware of the negatives, but, as I said, we need a balanced picture. Also it is inaccurate to say that the British Empire 'caused' famines, it certainly didn't in Ireland - a potato disease caused that - but the British authorities did things that made it worse, when they could have alleviated it. Far, far more people died of disease than through starvation and the way the authorities organised what relief they provided, ensured ideal conditions for the spread of contagious disease. In India, famines happened before the British took over, of course. In the 1630-32 famine, for example, the Mughal emperor dispersed 100,000 rupees for famine relief, a tenth of the annual "pin-money" granted his empress Mumtaz Mahal, so pre-British famine relief was not adequate either. The Mughal Empire had fallen apart before the British became major players in India, they did not cause it. The last effective Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb, was an intolerant Muslim zealot, which was obviously not in the interests of the majority of his subjects. The British were not religiously intolerant, which was an improvement. The India that the British took over was a patchwork of religious, ethnic and dynastic states, often at war with each other. The idea of an Indian nation state was essentially non-existent, in many ways the creation of India (other than culturally) was the result of British involvement in the sub-continent.

  • Especially a world without music from Jul the french rapper hihihi 

  • I am interested in construction business, like real esate. To be specific, like buying, renovating and leasing out apartments. I haven´t done anything like that but I have applied to college in a construction leader course which is two years long.

    I am just very unsure if I actually want to pursue business in real estate or just work as a construction leader and do business in other ways. 

    Thanks for sharing btw.

  • I love money, just very curious about banks. What would happen if your plan becomes real about the central banks? Can you give me little more details about this you´re saying please? :)

    If we don´t have banks around, there will be chaos I belive.

  • The British Empire also caused famine in India and Ireland.  Neither of those countries are grateful for British rule today. For obvious reasons of pride and self respect.

  • Of course the ideology was created by Hayek in the 1940's and took 40 years to become the governing ideology.  I find hope in todays young who are broadly Left of Centre.  We need to avoid environmental catastrophe of course. But if humans can manage that (big if) in 50 years we may see a more just world developing.  Socialism is an idea that refuses to die.  Over the last few centuries it has been rediscovered by generation after generation.

  • Asia "Alpha" is one of my favourite albums of all time!

  • Most empires can be described as having both beneficial and malign influences. The Byzantine Empire codified Roman law, which is the basis of most European law systems to this day. It helped to preserve aspects of classical literature and philosophy for future generations. It Christianised and civilised many future eastern European nations - Bulgarians, Serbs, Russians etc. The British Empire, as well as profiting from the slave trade, also ended it, through the exercise of naval power. Would India, the world's largest parliamentary democracy, have been a democracy if not for the British Empire? I doubt it.

  • Neither was I, or am I. 

  • I think i would argue with a therapist also.  I'd want to know why they were saying what they were saying all the time. I'd get affronted when they challenged me.

  • There's not bad song on that album and it has some beautiful lyrical sentiments.

  • You're welcome. Thanks for the compliment. A lot of the success of psychotherapy comes from the (positive) relationship between the client and therapist, there needs to be a good match. I don't connect or communicate well with people. Also, if I went to a psychotherapist I'd be too busy critiquing their technique(s) and not focusing on myself Smiley

  • Despite my dislike of using telephones, London Calling is my mobile phone ringtone. I met Mick Jones since he shops over the road at my local supermarket!

  • A world without music would be a true dystopia.

  • It's interesting stuff.  Thanks for your reply mate. I'll try and email tomorrow.

  • Do you mean it will abolish governments?

    I can't see that happening, at least not in the near future. But digital currencies like Bitcoin don't rely on any government or financial institutions to operate. They are more like ant colonies but more spread out with people contributing different things to the network to keep them running 

    I'm sorry i didn't email you today.

    No worries 

  • I have a multitude of interests. But music would be number one, for me.

  • If you could expand on number 1 i'd be interested to hear it.  Do you mean it will abolish governments?

    I'm sorry i didn't email you today.

  • I researched a little bit of Skinner as i had an old friend who liked him. He was an academic in the field. We would debate and disagree a lot but not about psychology.  It left me with a feeling i would not agree with Skinner either.

    I think i need psychotherapy but i am stubborn.

    Thankyou for your well written and interesting responses. Slight smile