Describe your very unique interest/passion

Please share your interest to me through these questions. Feel free to answer as you wish but use the questions as a guide please.

  1. What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?
  2. At what age did it come to you?
  3. How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?
  4. Has it evolved into other subtopics?
  5. How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

  • I am interested in business, now construction investing, also real estate, stocks but mostly just to open a company.
  • It came to me at age 18 and have now during 8 years grown steady and with more power throught the years. 
  • I spend around 1 hour atleast, sometimes i just think about my future life and really seem to be living in my mind.
  • I´ve also interests in subtopics like leadership, personal growth, reading books ect.
  • Still not achieved my vision but atleast, I´ve read, found a passion and soon to start college, but I haven´t found a good company to open yet.

Now, I am definitely more interested in your interests than mine but wanted to share my own as a warmup. 

I am so happy to read what passion you have in your life, how it came to you and how it reveals itself.


  • I was really talking about the Chinese government's interaction with Uigurs, Tibetans, Mongols, Tai etc. minorities within China. Empires are multi-ethic states with one ethnicity, or possibly two ethnicities (e.g. Italic and Greek in the Roman Empire) effectively calling the shots, culturally overwhelming and ruling the others. Imperialism does not have to involve Africa at all.

  • Thanks for answering mate. Slight smile

  • Well the full digitalization of money is just a matter of time imo, it's just a case of which currencies become the most valued and widely used by people. If that were Bitcoin in say 5 to 10 years time there would likely be widespread inequality at first because not many people would own any still

  • Always loved puzzles, mind games and the like. Even as a child, when everyone else was enjoying 'cool' stuff, I would be happy as anything solving & then making up puzzles of my own.

    For years I've been attracted to them but my interest has exploded in the last year or so. I have boxes and books and sites and papers and lists of puzzles, as well as games and links and objects which are puzzles, all of which I'd have to live to a 1000 to get through!

    And as if that wasn't enough, even when I've solved them, I hang onto them just because I think it was a really clever puzzle, or even because I have an idea of how to adapt it in some way.

    If I'm at a loose end and start puzzles, I can be immersed in them for hours and hours! My poor family, because at Christmas and Easter I inflict some sort of homemade puzzle/quiz on them to 'earn' their Easter eggs etc!

    That said, I am not a fan of general knowledge quizzes - amazing facts are great, but not standard general knowledge. You can't work it out; you either know it or you don't, and what's the fun in that?

    • What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?
    • At what age did it come to you?
    • How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?
    • Has it evolved into other subtopics?
    • How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?
  • I bet that's a relief! Grinning

  • Say Bitcoin or a similar digital currency becomes the  most widely used international currency.   Would there be more economic inequality, less inequality or neutral?  Or don't know?  Sorry for all the questions but i'm interested. Slight smile

  • I also lean towards the latter.  Humans are not meant to live the way that many Autistics live.  I spend more time alone than is healthy for anyone.

    • What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?
    • At what age did it come to you?
    • How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?
    • Has it evolved into other subtopics?
    • How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

    Thanks for starting this great discussion, it’s really interesting to learn about our community’s dedicated interests.

    1. Definitely Autistic Experience- I love the YouTube channel Aucademy. I am very passionate and knowledgeable about the diversity of our autistic community and I would love to be an autistic advocate one day.
    2.  I have been interested in autistic experience even before I knew I was autistic. I have always felt magnetically connected towards my neurokin even as a child.
    3. I talk about autistic experiences almost every day and I also listen to podcasts, read autistic led blogs and watch Aucademy videos every day. Also contributing in this online autistic community is a vital part of every day for me.
    4. Our autistic community is so diverse that obviously my interest in our experiences overlaps with other neurotypes (particularly ADHD and mental health needs) and also other topics such as psychology, sociology.
    5. Not very far, it will take quite a while to become an advocate. One of my favourite autistic advocates is Kieran Rose.
  • I have a few records of classical genre including Mozart Grinning 

    That's an interesting fact to know. I love classical music, absolutely amazing. I wish I could sing classical.

  • Why is creating money out of thin air bad?

    One of the main reasons gold is valuable is because it's scarce. If an asteroid made of say 2 million tonnes of gold fell to earth the value of everyones gold would eventually go down because gold would no longer be scarce. That's sort of what's happening with central banks, they are printing more and more money (they call it quantitative easing) so over time fiat currencies lose value, but it happens so slowly that most people aren't aware it's happening. 

    So whereas your pounds are essentially unlimited in quantity and nobody knows how many exist, with Bitcoin it is known exactly how many there are at any given time and that there will never be more than 21 million of them. Bitcoin isn't the perfect form of money but it's a huge leap forward in the evolution of money

  • I'd say China has it economic interests in Africa along with the West. Whether that is  Imperialism or not probably depends on defined terms.  You can best believe that money is more important to these corporations that the people of Africa are.

  • Why is creating money out of thin air bad? Isn't Bitcoin just another form of currency that is in itself created by humans? 

  • Russia and China are contemporary empires. In both, a dominant ethnicity rules over many other ethnicities. China is probably the worst empire in history, because it is not content in ruling over many ethnicities, it actively seeks to overwhelm minorities by colonisation by Han Chinese, and at the same time force minorities to become indistinguishable from the Han Chinese.

  • My understanding is these guys have something to say about printing money.

    I'm sure they do. In my opinion Bitcoin distributes new units of currency much more fairly than any system prior to it's arrival although it's certainly not perfect. More importantly however is that no person, group or institution can change the 21 million coin cap or create new bitcoin out of thin air 

  •  My understanding is these guys have something to say about printing money.  This is an area of economics that is definitely contested.

  • There doesn't appear to be any clamour in the the world for the return of Empire. The negatives seem to outweigh the  positives for the populations that were subjected to imperial domination.

  • Loss of Gold standard = beginning of the end.  The question is, how close to that end have we already traveled? my opinion and to my understanding.

  • I see a future for commercial banks but it's the central banks that are the problem. They have been printing money like crazy for decades and sooner or later the masses will realize that their money is becoming more common than muck whereas it used to be scarce. I think the US dollar has lost something like 80% of its value since 1970 

  • Well now I feel very grateful that when I think someone's study design is terrible I don't have to tell them myself Joy