Medicinal cannabis

I’ve recently been prescribed medicinal cannabis from the sapphire clinic. Starting with adven 4% thc cbd oil and will then go onto the the 20% thc oil for my social anxiety. Has anyone tried these cbmp? And have they helped you at all?

  • How do we know you aren't the king of the bots masquerading as our anti spam hero?

  • A bot with a hump?!  Have you ever imagined such a thing.  Bots give me the hump.  On a couple of occasions, I have got it wrong.....but my "search and destroy" stats are pretty reasonable I think.  Even when it has proved to be a human post, I believe that 95% are salesmen/women with no thought or consideration for autistic matters....they always rapidly slope off when they have told us something like "Hey guys, I'm really finding my autism tough, but this new energy drink ad tracker tea cosy device has been brilliant if you want to check it out at www.Imonlyhereto"

    Gives me the hump.

  • She’s got the hump now Joy 

  • Thanks to the swift extermination squad.

  • Self refer, it’s private so you’ll pay for it. Go onto the uk cannabis sub on Reddit and ask around as there are a lot of clinics. Jorja Emerson looks like a decent one. I’m with sapphire and quite happy but there’s lots of choices.....

  • Abit nerve wracking at first. As long as you have two failed medications I.e antidepressants or similar and tried a talking therapy and not had psychosis, then it’s pretty straight forward. To speed things up, get a summary of care from your g.p practice and this speeds things up. Doctors at the clinic are usually well informed and friendly during the first face to face zoom meeting. Also, your G.P isn’t your parent and I would give zero fs what they might think. It really helps me more than what they peddle.

  • Were you referred to the Sapphire clinic of can you refer yourself?

  • Esmeralda28.....You have only ever posted once, in 4 months, and your single post is promoting your commerce.

    I'm calling "you" out as a BOT.


  • How did you find the process? I've been reading [link removed by moderator] to getting a cannabis prescription and I think I qualify but I'm nervous about the process and have read a lot about GPs not being very welcoming to the idea? 

  • Very true. If you seen the people who are on the boards of the U.K. cannabis clinics....there are ex government in there amongst others, people who disagreed with the use whilst in power. Hypocrites really. 

  • government already makes money off it. the uk gov is the largest grower and exporter of canabis in the world.... the only reason they ban it for everyone else is because they are protecting their own monopoly on it.

  • I have a volcano, a PAX and a very old magic flight my husband gave me. Slight smile

  • Think the whole legality thing with cannabis can get muddled. I personally feel that people who are self medicating with cannabis are likely to be using it to dampen their pre-disposition for things that are already there so to say. Same with alcohol really if that makes sense. 

    I think if you are schizophrenic, then you are going to be either way (I’m guessing induced psychosis could be achieved from smoking stupid amounts) I don’t feel cannabis would be the aetiology of it. It may exasperate it but maybe not be the actual cause. As with anything really, too much can be a bad thing. I could be wrong but that’s the feeling I get. If you use it under direction than it’s a useful tool. 

    I get you on the vodka part haha.

    I think it’s just the stigma and bad press cannabis gets. Alcohol gets next to zero because it’s ‘legal’. It’s a terrible drug if you abuse it. Same as anything really. Opiates being another. Heroin is illegal.....yet if a doctor dishes out codeine/morphine it’s all good and above board (I know this is extreme but all comes from the same plant)

    I do find medical grade cbd to be much more therapeutic than cbd that’s sold in shops or online but maybe that’s just me.

    as soon as the government can make a few quid on it then, they will be all over it. 

  • my dad gets cbd oil.

    does it even work? i hear from people that it doesnt work with how much its been cut down to be none drug and government legal. but dunno never tried either of them... although saying that the real illegal full plant can probably be bad for all of us as it causes schizophrenia in anyone who could be close to it, and id wager any of us would likely be close to it and actual canabis would probably throw us over the edge into that with no return.

    on that note my go to in stressful times has been vodka instead lol

  • Interesting. I’m going to ask for flos on my follow up. The oil for night is great but going to ask for a daytime more immediate option of flos for the day when I need more immediate effects. I.e going to a shop ect or just when I’m on edge....

    I don’t smoke so will be abit weird for me to try. What vape do you use?

  • Yes, I find the oils have quite a longlasting effect but I sometimes need the instant relief from the flos.  It's a bit of a judgement call but I'm getting more experienced in this. 

  • I use mainly oils. I think I may try the vape for quicker effects for anxiety. Probably just cbd in flower form. I think it’s emc1 or something? The cbd oil does work within 20mins for me luckily but for bad anxiety may try the flos 

  • Much better for me personally. I do seem a little more less anxious.  Only take small amounts as I’m not really into the ‘stoned’ feeling. Will check your link as well thanks

  • Yes, I'm also registered with Sapphire and have been using their meds for a couple of years now.  I mostly use their oils but also a vape and have found that these meds are much more helpful than anything I've ever got from my GP - or any over-the-counter remedies or self help approaches. 

    In my case I use them to manage anxiety (which I believe is related to being an unidentified autistic person for most of my life) and to relieve pain (an ongoing chronic condition).  They're also good for promoting sleep. 

    (NB  I've posted about my experiences in other threads so if you're interested it might be worth a quick search.) 

  • My doctors are useless. I was prescribed it due to a history of anxiety. Usually if 2 or in my case 5 routes of therapeutic medication don’t work, you can try cannabis. It works much better for me.