40+ No driving license, passport, bank account, etc...

I'm so embarrassed to apply for these things and that's why I keep putting it off. Embarrassed and ashamed because of my age and been judged. Because I don't have any forms of ID, it makes it hard to acquire ID. You can't open a bank account without a passport or a driving license and vice versa. I was told the only way forward is to apply for a passport, but I would have to attend immigration to determine my identity and it would be an hour interrogation. I tried to open a bank with my government benefit documents and birth certificate but that failed, so my only option was to open a bank account for people in debt that requires a monthly fee. However these types of banks cant be used as ID because anyone can apply for them. Been interrogated by immigration and all the personal questions they would ask, fills me with dread.

  • Can you take a close-carer or independent-advocate with you?

  • I am not a Man. I am a specimin.
    I was hatched out of an egg.
    You can call me Shelly.

  • So what is your question my Friend ?

  • Another poster has mentioned a website providing fake ID. This appears to be a US site.

    That post seems to be spam, which has bumped a 5 month old discussion. I've reported the post.

  • I feel like the judgement is the reason why it took me till 32 to apply for a passport, i dont drive and I do have a bank account but I was forced to go to college and follow in my father footsteps in catering.. which I really hate. 

    I dont know what to say, I say just do it and try your best 

  • The UK is one of the few European countries that does not have a National Identity Card.  My mother (93) still has her National Identity Card from during the war, but they were stopped in the late '40s because people wanted to be "free" after the wartime regulations. Mum was asked for ID and produced hers, much to the bemusement of the bank cashier, who called a manager. Despite the photo being sixty years out of date, he laughed and said it was OK. 

    However, we are now living in a digital age. Most of us do not know all our neighbours. We no longer have local banks where the cashiers and bank manager know your name. Even the GP surgery has several different doctors.

    The current system discriminates against disabled people. Some people are not allowed to drive because of medical conditions. Many people find it hard to travel abroad because health insurance is so complicated and expensive for disabled people, so why get a passport?

    Most people already carry multiple forms of identification. I have a senior bus pass, driving licence, several ID cards for the various places where I work, credit and debit cards, club cards ...  and each one leaves a digital trail. I cannot see that a National Identity Card would be any more of a constraint on individual freedom.

    @Thomas0856  You might find a Credit Union more amenable to opening an account without a passport or driving licence, if you have utility bills, benefit letters etc and a birth certificate. Maybe contact your local council to ask about the cards they issue to voters without ID.

    Another poster has mentioned a website providing fake ID. This appears to be a US site. Certainly here in the UK, it is an offence to possess a fake ID document, with a penalty of up to ten years imprisonment. [Identity Documents Act 2010 s.4] Unlike the USA, we have a central register at DVLA and police can check if your licence is valid in seconds. I believe that some credit reference agencies also have limited access to official databases to confirm that identity documents are genuine. If you are found out your account will be closed and you will find it almost impossible to get any sort of financial services anywhere in the world for several years, even if you don't go to prison.

  • Hi mate. Sorry you're feeling down about this.

    Getting a provisional license is a good idea. That's a good way of getting photo ID and being able to open a bank account. But only do it if you really want to. Don't pressure yourself in to it as that will increase your anxiety dramatically. 

    I got a provisional last year. It was stress free and has allowed me to open my own bank account now. So when you feel ready this is a good way forward to getting photo ID. Good luck mate.

  • I totally get how daunting it can be to deal with all that bureaucracy and the fear of judgment.   I was in a similar situation a while back, and it was nerve-wracking to face those questions from immigration. But trust me, once you get through it, you'll feel a sense of relief. As for the ID issue, have you considered looking into other options, like getting a state ID or reaching out to a local community organization for support?   In my case, I found a way around it and got a legitimate ID through [link removed] it helped me out when I needed it most. Good luck!

  • Appreciate all the good advice! I will try the online applications, as it seems they have simplified the process due the lockdowns.

  • I don't think you should need to go to the expense and stress of getting a passport or driving licence.

    There is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed. Many people don't have photo id, a lot of elderly people in particular. 

    There is some useful information on the rules for opening bank accounts without photo id here:


    However each bank can interpret the rules slightly differently and publish their own terms on their websites detailing what id they will accept. Just because you failed with one bank doesn't automatically mean you would fail with others. Some banks will accept your government benefit documents as proof of id, together with another document proving your address.

    You should be able to open a fee free basic bank account. There is a lot of information about them here:


  • Hi, I would try for a Provisional Driving License, birth certificate is acceptable plus your benefit documents prove your address. You will need a photo signed by someone who knows you and has a passport or driving license. A list of who’s eligible to sign is in the link at the bottom.

    A driver’s license will start to build your identity.

    UK birth, adoption and naturalisation certificates

    You can use a UK birth, adoption or naturalisation certificate, but you must send it with one of the following:

    • National Insurance card, or a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions or HM Revenue and Customs showing your National Insurance number - find your National Insurance number if you’ve lost it
    • photocopy of the front page of a benefits book or an original benefits claim letter
    • P45, P60 or pay slip
    • your marriage or civil partnership certificate
    • your divorce or end of civil partnership document (decree nisi, decree absolute, conditional order or final order)
    • a gender recognition certificate
    • college or university union card, education certificate or PASS proof of age card (issued after June 2014)


  • Just do it.

    When you expect an interrogation and have time to prepare for it, then it isn't as bad as you imagine.

    The real problem is the unexpected interrogation.