40+ No driving license, passport, bank account, etc...

I'm so embarrassed to apply for these things and that's why I keep putting it off. Embarrassed and ashamed because of my age and been judged. Because I don't have any forms of ID, it makes it hard to acquire ID. You can't open a bank account without a passport or a driving license and vice versa. I was told the only way forward is to apply for a passport, but I would have to attend immigration to determine my identity and it would be an hour interrogation. I tried to open a bank with my government benefit documents and birth certificate but that failed, so my only option was to open a bank account for people in debt that requires a monthly fee. However these types of banks cant be used as ID because anyone can apply for them. Been interrogated by immigration and all the personal questions they would ask, fills me with dread.

  • I totally get how daunting it can be to deal with all that bureaucracy and the fear of judgment.   I was in a similar situation a while back, and it was nerve-wracking to face those questions from immigration. But trust me, once you get through it, you'll feel a sense of relief. As for the ID issue, have you considered looking into other options, like getting a state ID or reaching out to a local community organization for support?   In my case, I found a way around it and got a legitimate ID through [link removed] it helped me out when I needed it most. Good luck!

  • I totally get how daunting it can be to deal with all that bureaucracy and the fear of judgment.   I was in a similar situation a while back, and it was nerve-wracking to face those questions from immigration. But trust me, once you get through it, you'll feel a sense of relief. As for the ID issue, have you considered looking into other options, like getting a state ID or reaching out to a local community organization for support?   In my case, I found a way around it and got a legitimate ID through [link removed] it helped me out when I needed it most. Good luck!

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