Leaving the site.

Just like any other site this social media site seems to be full of one track narrow minded people I thought being around people of my own kind would help but clearly not. Being ASD we seem to be to stubborn and opinated. Then you have to deal with NT's that come in deamoning us and making us look like monsters I'm sure its helpful for the rest of you but for me I'm out cause I have a mind of own Fingers crossedout.Hopefully the rest of you benifit more than me. Not sure on how to delete my account though.

  • Bit worrying, I wasn't going for egregrious... I probably phrased it wrong. I'm trying for shorter posts...

  • Thank you for that data point. It is what I would expect, given the huge amounts of cognitive dissonance being forced upon a lot of people right now, across a wide spectrum. 

    Can I ask, what are "time management games"?

  • Actually, you do have a point there. I realised quite quickly that just because someone has autism it doesn't mean every autistic person is going to be friendly and kind. Some of the much older posts (more than 3 or 4 years ago seem a lot more welcoming in tone and much more accepting of different views and different states of mind). I've noticed a real change in tone and sense of welcome in some posts over the last couple of years while I've been lurking.  Some posts have gradually become patronising, dismissive and spiteful. I blame Covid and having our worlds turned upside down.  Be kind to yourself 'deleted user'.

  • That's interesting you think that. I suggested Reddit to the OP because of it's much wider reach - there's something for everyone and even if you can't find what you want you can create your own sub-forum on it (with rules and stuff).  Currently, there's about 12 boards with 'aspergers, autism, neurodiversity,' or similar in the sub forum communities - many are very kind, some are silly, some are horrible. There's just more choice. Not knocking this discussion forum at all - this one is different and there's good and sometimes immediate links if you need help. I just wish I could make the font bigger and have wider spacing when I type but I can live with that.  I am very aware that the written word can be interpreted in different ways by different eyes.

  • I went to the aspergers thread on reddit when I was first informally tested, and came away thinking "Good God, I don't; want that, any full blown mental illness you can think of, seems to be a symptom for those poor sods"... I really did.

    And of course we are all immersed in a society where we are actively experimentng with "double think" and "wrongspeech" for some reason. People get agitated about the really, really, small stuff now.

  • Haha, yeah, I was joking.

    I meant it in the context of the irrational and combative tone of some of their comments. 

    I haven't been on Twitter in ages because it seems impossible for it not to turn into some kind of sh*tshow.

  • I think the OP might have also mistaken this place for Reddit or Twitter, hahahaaa.

    doubtful, you cant post anything on twitter without being banned outright. twitter is the sound of complete silence as you cant post anything without being hit by the ban hammer.

  • Although it's pointless commenting now the OP has left, they did seem to have resistance to seeing things from any other perspective, which is a shame because some of us did try to engage with them.

    As Tassimo mentioned, many people come in, get angry or frustrated, and then leave. I must confess, I even got bored myself. I couldn't wrap my head around why so many here are depressed and anxious all the time, but then, I'm angry, frustrated, or ambivalent much of the time. Different experiences, different perspectives, different manifestations of our conditions.

    As Martin mentioned, and many seem to forget, a narrow field of view is a particularly common and strong trait of autism. To be honest, the few autistic people I've met can be some of the most frustrating to have a discussion with because of, well, autism. But that's also what makes it interesting.

    That's why I always mention perspective and perception, partly also to remind myself that it isn't all about me. Actually, it is all about me, hahaha Smiley

    It seems some people come in demanding to be helped, blame the world for everything, but either refuse the help people on here try to offer, or don't actually want to be helped at all.

    I have been combative, aggressive, nihilistic at times in my life, but even I am dismayed at some of the anger and hatred that is sometimes expressed on the forum.

    And as KikiCat said, all we have to do is take a break, calm down a bit, find some distractions elsewhere, then come back when we're ready to engage again.

    Sometimes, we have to look at ourselves really hard and ask whether, even in some very small way, we might actually be part of our own problem. I mean, not all of my problems are caused by the world around me...

    I think the OP might have also mistaken this place for Reddit or Twitter, hahahaaa.

  • "Trolling" seems to be one of thoose things I can do withhout trying and cannot do if I try...

  • What I do now when I'm in that condition, is either go offline or find some nice sites to cheer me up with jokes or pretty landscapes or something. I've learned that from the internet life anyway.

  • Gosh my comment got a lot of long replies! I think I just leave internet sites because I'm getting sick of internet sites. I'm getting sick of trolls too, the best thing to do is ignore the lot of them. I'm not saying anyone here is a troll, I'm just getting on my soap box.

  • Some individuals have left this site after only a few hours, they introduced themselves and left in incrimination and bitterness because nobody engaged with them.  They don't realise that we are busy dealing with our own ***.

  • It's another manifestation of their attention seeking behaviour.  As soon as they join, they make multiple posts, wearing an affable mask, and basking in a new source of attention, but then slowly, as the spotlight fades from them, they revert back to their true self, who is angry and resentful, before leaving with a parting burst of vitriol.

  • As always, a pleasure to read you Mr Sperg (despite your egregious opening assertion Frowning  about cats and world-views).  You can usually count the number of days before a newly joined member with a larger than life personality transitions from enthusiastic serial poster to disgruntled malcontent. It's easy to detect their badly concealed hatred and rage just underneath the affable attention-seeking surface of their multiple posts.

  • Some people absorb a bit of personal hurt quietly like a cat will, (and I've a personal theory that autist's and cat's share a similar worldview) some people just have to share their pain.

    With forums we have a UNIQUE & SPECIAL power not granted to us in the real world, that of actually having time to think and process each phase of a conversation. When someone comes AT me on a forum (as has happened here) there is TIME to respond appropriately. The more desperate I feel to refute a point, or correct someone, the more reluctant I can be to post. Taking that time to think, eiotehr gives me time to wite a more devatastating riposte, and sometimes I see the error in mine or the other persons thinking with sufficent clarity to manage the conversation in a constructive way. Sometimes, then I might choose to apologise, or even stop posting. I TRY very hard to do no harm to anyone, especially here. 

    But for some people, this internet forum stuff can force them to face things they are not ready to face yet. Like their own hidden capacity for hatred and rage, or seeing what Autism looks like from an exterior perspective, and hence gaining less complementary insights into ones own character. 

    Running away, whilst casting aspersions needlessly and generally, is not an indicator of a well developed character either. Your way is of course better. (At least from my perspective)  

  • Sometimes, when people are hurting or in that state of mind where you feel unacknowledged, it's sort of a parting shot, one last attempt to be heard. I recognise it in myself sometimes especially when I'm close to burning out. I now know it's sort of burning your bridges response and you can't come back from that (like farting in a lift).

  • I'm not sure why people feel the need to announce this. If I leave anywhere I just disappear. But each to their own eh.

  • If you still want to read or post stuff, I've found Reddit can be interesting. It has a far wider reach and something for everyone. I hear you.

  • they were quite negative from the start, so I'm happy that they've made the right choice for themself Sweat smile

  • I like you Robert cause you seem to get where I coming but good luck on this site to many posers to many fakes for my taste