Leaving the site.

Just like any other site this social media site seems to be full of one track narrow minded people I thought being around people of my own kind would help but clearly not. Being ASD we seem to be to stubborn and opinated. Then you have to deal with NT's that come in deamoning us and making us look like monsters I'm sure its helpful for the rest of you but for me I'm out cause I have a mind of own Fingers crossedout.Hopefully the rest of you benifit more than me. Not sure on how to delete my account though.

  • Just like any other site this social media site seems to be full of one track narrow minded people

    Well, restricted interests and the ability to hyper-focus are traits of .... something ... it will come to me ... what is it?  Yes, it's autism.

  • Exsactly my point full of ASD's questioning any ones legitimacy on weather there ASD or NT's In disguise. The hypocrisy of people on this site is unreal. I don't need to justify my ASD to anyone and shouldn't feel like I need to but on here you feel like you need more than to NT's out in the real in real world. And seeing NT's post highly sensitive topics doesn't do any favours for any of us when we're trying to come to terms accepting ourselves and our condition instead of seeing people from the worse ends of the spectrum. The narrow minded has nothing to do with autism but ganging up like NT tribes do against one another when an outsider comes in.  Imagine trying to accept yourself for a condition you hate having then constantly seeing people post all the worst of traits of the conditions that most NTs think we act like that anyway when the majority of us don't that's why it's a sensitive topic and NTs need to be more concidat of that. We are not therapists we are autistic. Everyday NTs make out to look like monsters or like we're evil and then that makes the acceptance of your condition even harder. I hate my autism I hate everything about being autistic and I strugel to tolerate my own kind on top of NTs too so there I said and honestly don't give a rat's ass if that means I'm disliked for as I'm already hated for my condition anyway

  • And just cause we're autistic doesn't mean we all think a like we each have a mind of our own weather were autistic or not!

  • Thanks. Do they help with time management tasks in the real world? 

  • I haven't really looked over many older posts, but you have a point.

    The world, at least the perception of it, has become much more polarised and divisive over the past few years. I think people are frustrated, confused, and fatigued. That's why we all need to try to discuss and understand things from different points of view and try to find some common ground.

    But some people just want to watch the world burn...

    Strange times we find ourselves in at the moment.

  • @I Sperg - 'time management games' - this is on my profile. They are types of PC games that involve achieving certain objectives within a set period of time. The objectives usually involve building workshops or houses, fetching and carrying resources and increasing manpower etc as fast as possible. There can also be an element of strategy involved to complete tasks. I like the simple and repetitive ones.

  • Thank you for that data point. It is what I would expect, given the huge amounts of cognitive dissonance being forced upon a lot of people right now, across a wide spectrum. 

    Can I ask, what are "time management games"?

  • Actually, you do have a point there. I realised quite quickly that just because someone has autism it doesn't mean every autistic person is going to be friendly and kind. Some of the much older posts (more than 3 or 4 years ago seem a lot more welcoming in tone and much more accepting of different views and different states of mind). I've noticed a real change in tone and sense of welcome in some posts over the last couple of years while I've been lurking.  Some posts have gradually become patronising, dismissive and spiteful. I blame Covid and having our worlds turned upside down.  Be kind to yourself 'deleted user'.

  • I like you Robert cause you seem to get where I coming but good luck on this site to many posers to many fakes for my taste

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