Leaving the site.

Just like any other site this social media site seems to be full of one track narrow minded people I thought being around people of my own kind would help but clearly not. Being ASD we seem to be to stubborn and opinated. Then you have to deal with NT's that come in deamoning us and making us look like monsters I'm sure its helpful for the rest of you but for me I'm out cause I have a mind of own Fingers crossedout.Hopefully the rest of you benifit more than me. Not sure on how to delete my account though.

  • you could move over to the autistic discord sites ?  if interested contact me 

  • People get agitated about the really, really, small stuff now.

    Well increasing levels of 'normalised abuse' are taking people away from being comfortably numb and dumb about it ~ all the way up to experiencing excruciatingly red raw and sore levels of ringing-stinging agony about it now.

  • After a while, one gets a ineradicable fence-top indentation in the hindquarters. Possibly the only drawback.

    I take the more comfortable position of wondering peacefully along proverbial alleyways or relaxing in contemplative gardens between the fences.

    Or if one feels more proactive perhaps ~ sit comfortably like as do umpire's at tennis matches, and call, "OUT! ~ 2 SQUARES; 4 RECTANGLES!" when people are as if arguing (in absolute 'all-or-nothing' terms) that a cuboid block (representing the subject matter) has only a single square or only a single rectangle as being it's entire surface area.

    Autistic humans are still humans, to expect superior beings is probably unrealistic.

    I am not a 'human' myself but I am though a human 'being', and the only thing realistic about 'survival of the elitist' delusions as opposed to natural and actual selection without coercion ~ is the compound and compounding issues that result from 'excessive competition' and 'regressive cooperation'.

  • Life has a way of changing a person. I didn't like cats at all until I hit my twenties, I didn't see the "point" of them, until I took in a couple of acquaintances who'd been evicted and were homess and who had two cats.

    One of the cats "charmed" me with his antics and general nice nature, and when they all left me, some months later, (they were rightfully evicted it turns out, for being rubbish people, and I got a mild beating, some trouble with the police, trouble with my landlords, and trouble with my social life before I finally got them out of my flat) The one good thing I'd got directly out of the experience, was my introduction to cats, which in turn stopped me thinking of the animal Kingdom as a series of small soft robots, and allowed me to see them as tiny little individuals, who have a degree of self awareness, not ZERO as many people teach. 

    Rats, well I'm mostly with you there, but I have acquaintances who seem to really love their pet rats, and get really attached, and swear that they have their own little personalities.

    The poor little cockroach though, he has no friends in the world at all as far as I can see, especially in teh human world. But he might yet get to be the future ruler of planet earth, as he apparently is almost completely immune to nuclear radiation. And our leaders look to be getting increasingly keen to make him a perfect world to live in.

  • Thanks. Do they help with time management tasks in the real world? 

  • I'm really sorry to see 'Deleted user' go to be honest. They posted a lot of food for thought on this thread alone. I sense they are angry and upset. I would have hoped with time that could pass or at least they could have felt their voice was being accommodated somewhere in this community.

  • Yes indeed - three cheers for Simon's Cat! (on Youtube) :-) I got a Simon's Cat calendar for Christmas one year - every month had a picture that made me smile.

  • I haven't really looked over many older posts, but you have a point.

    The world, at least the perception of it, has become much more polarised and divisive over the past few years. I think people are frustrated, confused, and fatigued. That's why we all need to try to discuss and understand things from different points of view and try to find some common ground.

    But some people just want to watch the world burn...

    Strange times we find ourselves in at the moment.

  • As a former cell biologist, I too think of the body as a machine; a soft, squishy machine that is incredibly complex, but still obeys all the physical and chemical rules of the universe.

  • @I Sperg - 'time management games' - this is on my profile. They are types of PC games that involve achieving certain objectives within a set period of time. The objectives usually involve building workshops or houses, fetching and carrying resources and increasing manpower etc as fast as possible. There can also be an element of strategy involved to complete tasks. I like the simple and repetitive ones.

  • After a while, one gets a ineradicable fence-top indentation in the hindquarters. Possibly the only drawback

    Not if one balances a comfy chair on top of said fence, but it's a somewhat precarious situation with the risk of toppling into one side, or the other. Smiley

    Autistic humans are still humans, to expect superior beings is probably unrealistic.

    Indeed. That's how I think about things. Humans do what humans do, what animals do, it's in our nature, we are animals after all. 

    But we do have the mental capacity as a species to try to circumvent our natural animal behaviours, to a certain degree.

    I'm no scientist, but I think that's why I get more comfort reading about neurobiology and neurochemistry etc to try to understand what is actually going on inside. When I was young, I imagined myself as a robot or android, and I see the body in some ways as a biological machine. So understanding some of the machinery helps me understand myself a bit better.

  • Very true. So much is automated now that we have little to intellectually challenge us. I regularly feel 'intellectually challenged' - that's how my good friends describe me too sometimes, ha ha.

  • 'ineradicable' - a new word for me! Lovely word too - thank you.

  • After a while, one gets a ineradicable fence-top indentation in the hindquarters. Possibly the only drawback. Autistic humans are still humans, to expect superior beings is probably unrealistic.

  • Yes, Yes.

    I was looking for cool reflection and supportive information when I was finding out about ASC, but I soon began to realise that it potentially was just another tribe, with infighting, and outfighting. That was exactly what I was trying to get away from with my diagnosis, and find more understanding.

    The irony is, a facet of autism has a slant toward a narrowing of interests. I suppose it makes sense why certain bodies are concerned about the connection between autism and radicalisation, for example.

    Anyway, yeah, I do tend to focus too much on the smaller details, but I also spend a lot of time pondering the bigger picture.

    The problem is, I completely miss the middle bit, the bit where people actually exist and interact, hahaha.

  • Good point, but I was generalizing, as I am wont to do Slight smile

    I suppose it depends which topics we are reading on Reddit etc. I wasn't specifically referring to the autism subs. There is some good info on Reddit, but there are also a lot of argumentative people who seem to jump in without fully thinking things through.

    This forum is somewhat limited, but it doesn't seem to be as chaotic and noisy as some others.

    Anyway, my comment wasn't really about various social media platforms, it is was more about having a rather narrow mindset wherein a person only sees, or wants to see, a particular reality. The autism/neurodivergent 'community' seemingly has  a predilection for maintaining the US and THEM mentality. I know there really are in-groups and out-groups, and people can be mean or abusive, and people do have real difficulties and real struggles, but maintaining this us/them line of thinking really doesn't help anybody.

    I've been like that, it doesn't really help and it doesn't really work. And it clouds reasonable thought and reasonable discussion.

    But I decided a long time ago to sit on the fence and watch as various sides squabble with each other.

  • Exsactly my point full of ASD's questioning any ones legitimacy on weather there ASD or NT's In disguise.

    You have as such mistaken what was being addressed in he following statement:

    I'm pretty certain this "I'm leaving this awful forum" post is related to a comment you made earlier today in which you were cruel and abusive to the parent of an autistic child who was reaching out for help on the forum. Just so you are clear. Playing 'Victim' to justify abuse of others is not a trait of ASD. 

    Because being autistic can involve as a trait being tactless ~ rather than being abusive, which was a matter of personal choice ~ in spite of this community being designed as a safe and welcoming place for those that use and visit it for support and information about autism.

    The hypocrisy of people on this site is unreal. I don't need to justify my ASD to anyone and shouldn't feel like I need to but on here you feel like you need more than to NT's out in the real in real world. And seeing NT's post highly sensitive topics doesn't do any favours for any of us when we're trying to come to terms accepting ourselves and our condition instead of seeing people from the worse ends of the spectrum.

    Imagining this website of forums should be a safe and supportive site for you as an autistic person ~ whilst you justify your assumed need to keep on demeaning other autistic and non autistic people that do not support your views is somewhat contradictory though. 
    I can only imagine that you did not read the: Community rules

    The narrow minded has nothing to do with autism but ganging up like NT tribes do against one another when an outsider comes in.  Imagine trying to accept yourself for a condition you hate having then constantly seeing people post all the worst of traits of the conditions that most NTs think we act like that anyway when the majority of us don't that's why it's a sensitive topic and NTs need to be more concidat of that. We are not therapists we are autistic.

    Basically we do not need to be therapists here, as we need only to be respectfully informative about what is involved with having autistic sense and sensibilities, which you have for the most been quite capable of ~ perhaps you overdid it with the postings rather than pacing yourself after only recently having been diagnosed?

    Everyday NTs make out to look like monsters or like we're evil and then that makes the acceptance of your condition even harder. I hate my autism I hate everything about being autistic and I strugel to tolerate my own kind on top of NTs too so there I said and honestly don't give a rat's ass if that means I'm disliked for as I'm already hated for my condition anyway

    It seems then that you were being negative about others outwardly ~ so as to take a break from being negative about yourself inwardly, and as such your receptive sensibilities were being inhibited by your protective and projective sensibilities ~ which is not uncommon in terms of having been given inappropriate facilitations, identifications and affirmations regarding your autistic individuality through your formative, educational and professional years ~ which you are still reliving traumatically?
    When it comes then to people stating things you find offensive ~ don't do likewise; just tap or click the 'More' option under the offensive post and report it as being abusive, and leave it to be moderated whilst doing something creative instead. 
    I do rather think that  full on did the front line capable and able thing with the wisdom of the following though:

    With forums we have a UNIQUE & SPECIAL power not granted to us in the real world, that of actually having time to think and process each phase of a conversation. When someone comes AT me on a forum (as has happened here) there is TIME to respond appropriately. The more desperate I feel to refute a point, or correct someone, the more reluctant I can be to post. Taking that time to think, eiotehr gives me time to wite a more devatastating riposte, and sometimes I see the error in mine or the other persons thinking with sufficent clarity to manage the conversation in a constructive way. Sometimes, then I might choose to apologise, or even stop posting. I TRY very hard to do no harm to anyone, especially here. 

    But for some people, this internet forum stuff can force them to face things they are not ready to face yet. Like their own hidden capacity for hatred and rage, or seeing what Autism looks like from an exterior perspective, and hence gaining less complementary insights into ones own character. 

    Although forget not that writings on the virtual whirled of the inter-nettle actually involves the real world of one's digital curriculum vitae and all that:

    If perhaps you can excuse my Omen like humour or if not appreciate the musical and lyrical harmonics, accordances and overtones maybe of Carl Orff's O Fortuna from Carmina Burana?

  • I've a personal theory that autist's and cat's share a similar worldview

    I love all forms of life except for cats, rats and cockroaches !

  • People get agitated about the really small stuff because they have little else to think about. In the not so distant past, living was often a struggle to survive, whereas now it's more often a struggle to remember online passwords.