
So I'm 32 and a massive procrastinator, to the point where i literally do nothing, I'm not working and even though i'm married i'm living back with my parents(long story) this leads to a lot of problems, every one thinking and telling me i'm lazy, my physical heath is deteriorating as i don't do any exercise, don't eat properly and my personal hygiene is terrible but i can't help myself but to do nothing. I have no motivation to do anything even though i don't like being this way. I also fail at anything i put my mind too, which leads to another issue that is crippling, professionalism. If i really put my mind to something i have to get it perfect which i then neglect stuff even more and get exhausted and if i fail at said task i then beat myself up and convince myself that im stupid and useless which then makes me procrastinate. It's a violent circle that im ultimately stuck in. Im not even sure why i'm writing this post, like i don't know what im expecting to gain from writing it or what im really asking. What i will say is i hate and i mean i HATE! being called laz. God i wanna go out in the "real world" and be "normal", I want to be healthy and fit, I want to go out on days with the wife doing "normal" things like pubs, going out for food, walks, etc but i just can't. Now i feel like im rambling, don't even know what im writing but yea, i wrote it.  

  • What are you doing while you are doing all this procrastinating?   Playing video games?  Watching tv?   You're not doing nothing - you're just filling your time with the wrong things.    You feel you should be doing things where you are judged as 'normal' by everyone around you.

    What do you REALLY want to do that wouldn't be accepted by everyone else?

  • Yes, I’m normally on my pc playing games or watching twitch, that’s it, day in, day out. Or if I’m spending day with wife we watch tv/films even though she nags me to go out and I just don’t. 

  • If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you be doing instead?

    What are you not admitting to yourself?  

    The grinding to a halt is normally a symptom of being in the wrong life - so it's difficult to see a way forward when every path in front of you is something you don't want to be doing.

  • NTs live at an agreed level of BS/lies - let's say 40% lies - in their daily life - little lies like clocking out early, exaggerating their wealth, not doing their work properly, never finishing anything - it's all expected and normal.

    Salesmen and lawyers operate at around 80% lies - but again, expected and accepted.

    Aspies tend to be honest and methodical so we operate at close to zero lies/BS so we stand out as obviously 'different' in our values so we are treated with suspicion.

    Inability to fight our corner via clear communication marks us down as a potential victim.   

    Social awkwardness separates us from the 'in' crowd.

    Those 3 things make the work environment a living hell.

  • I always get bullied, home, school, college and every job I've had since and never understood why, 

  • I was lucky - I mostly worked on my own so I could do amazing things but without having to rely on others.   The only stress was when I had to interact with my lying, incompetent, manipulative bullying boss.

  • the conversation thing is similar and I'm normally exhausted after an in-depth one, also the rules is somewhat similar but I'm weird with that one as it don't always bother me, I can sometimes break rules and other times get quite anxious if I'm made to lie or if other people lie it affects me a bit, what always gets me is if I'm given a task in a team work scenario and they aren't doing how i consider it to be down it does bother me a lot.  

  • if your counsellor doesn't 'get it' then you might never get there.   

    Break things into small chunks and work out where you problems occur - like when I talk to people, it takes so much processing power to appear 'normal' that my memory is disabled.  I forget conversations - and what people look like.

    I'm compelled to do the right thing - an overblown sense of social justice - and I cannot understand how others can simply break the rules and lie - and get away with it.   It makes it difficult to form relationships with known liars.

    Have you identified any common issues?

  • i find it really hard to explain how it affects me but im hoping one day i will have the clarity that you seem to possess.

  • Do you understand your Asperger's?

    I find that all of my problems come from chaos - any interaction or process where the outcome is not 100% predictable - like dealing with people or relying on things that are out of my control.   I see the natural and correct way to do everything but no-one else does - so things happen in ways I don't like.  

    Telephone calls are a nightmare - I cannot predict what is coming next so I'm vulnerable to skilled manipulators - and knowing that causes me stress.

    I find the day's stress overwhelming so i need time to decompress and convert all of the day's uncomfortable interactions into things I can solve in my head.    That allows them to be filed away.

    Negative interactions are bad because I often won't understand what went wrong so I am compelled to process them over and over until they can be solved.

    All this takes time where I am unpredictable - I'm 99% stressed so the slightest demand placed on me risks me being overloaded.

    How does it affect you in a basic level - or are you still at the 'overloaded but don't understand why' position?

  • Yep, I was assuming that too, I'm seeing a post diagnosis counsellor but it's not really helping, it's just talking but no solutions, I do feel I need more support but wouldn't what or where to start or even if I'm ready for it yet.
    She is trying but no she isn't always sympathetic/understanding but i don't hold that against her as no she is so not up to speed with what Asperger is and again i don't expect her to be as I'm not myself. 

  • September? - then you're probably in a post diagnosis depression.  

    Lots of self-analysis needed to work out who you really are.   What support do you have from GP or anyone?

    How sympathetic/understanding is your wife?     Is she up to speed with what Asperger's is?

  • yes, Asperger's, got diagnosed September 

  • Then there may be some difficult decisions to be made.   Sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want and the procrastinating is just avoiding/delaying the inevitable.

    Maybe if you explain the problem she might get on board.  Are you diagnosed? 

  • The norm, house, kids, jobs, money. All things that I feel I can't provide.

  • So you need to have a long chat with your wife and explain things and come to an understanding of the way forward.   You need to find a compromise where you both get what you need without forcing hardship on each other.  

    What kind of life would she happily put up with if it made you happy?

    What are her aspirations and does she understand that she might need to re-think her life?

  • Oh I know the 'NT' life ain't for me but I have no idea what to do instead, also wife is not interested in travelling now she's too invested in the 'NT' life.
    Also marketable skill, I have none that I'm aware of, School was an issue so I didn't go, I went undiagnosed so had no help and as a result have poor education and not really any opportunity to find my skills.
    I'd ditch modern life in a heart beat, god I'd ditch this 'NT' world if I could. 

  • So surely step 1 is admitting that 'NT' life is not for you. 

    If you cannot possibly win in the rat race, there are only 2 outcomes - try and fail or do something different - play a different game.

    There are plenty of people who sell-up and travel the world in a camper van.   There are people who go and live in the woods.     There are people who go and become surf instructors.    There are people who go and do all sorts of 'non-standard' lifestyles that fit more comfortably with themselves.

    If you have a load of marketable skills, you don't need to live the lifestyle that your parents did.

    Your biggest problem will be having the bravery to ditch modern life.

    In my case, we live in a high-cost area.   Daughter is at uni.   When daughter finishes uni there's nothing holding us here so we intend to downsize, relocate to the countryside and live a much lower stress lifestyle.  Don't want to set the world on fire - just want to avoid the stress of the world.

  • I love this reply, I have no idea what I really want to do, I think twitch is maybe one thing but I'm unable to succeed due to issues that present them selves because of my Asperger's.
     Wish 1, I wish I wasn't me
    Wish 2, Wish I was a success on twitch, as to be able to financially live off it (love gaming)
    Wish 3, Go travelling with the wife and see the world 
    They are all unrealistic and unattainable in this world we live in, I am unable to do the norms of NT sociaty, Holding down a 9-5 or just a job in general, Socialising is a massive no no due to anxieties and i cant even keep on top of looking after myself so i have no idea how im supposed to live in this world as me.

  • I love this reply, I have no idea what I really want to do, I think twitch is maybe one thing but I'm unable to succeed due to issues that present them selves because of my Asperger's.
     Wish 1, I wish I wasn't me
    Wish 2, Wish I was a success on twitch, as to be able to financially live off it (love gaming)
    Wish 3, Go travelling with the wife and see the world 
    They are all unrealistic and unattainable in this world we live in, I am unable to do the norms of NT sociaty, Holding down a 9-5 or just a job in general, Socialising is a massive no no due to anxieties and i cant even keep on top of looking after myself so i have no idea how im supposed to live in this world as me.

  • NTs live at an agreed level of BS/lies - let's say 40% lies - in their daily life - little lies like clocking out early, exaggerating their wealth, not doing their work properly, never finishing anything - it's all expected and normal.

    Salesmen and lawyers operate at around 80% lies - but again, expected and accepted.

    Aspies tend to be honest and methodical so we operate at close to zero lies/BS so we stand out as obviously 'different' in our values so we are treated with suspicion.

    Inability to fight our corner via clear communication marks us down as a potential victim.   

    Social awkwardness separates us from the 'in' crowd.

    Those 3 things make the work environment a living hell.

  • I always get bullied, home, school, college and every job I've had since and never understood why, 

  • I was lucky - I mostly worked on my own so I could do amazing things but without having to rely on others.   The only stress was when I had to interact with my lying, incompetent, manipulative bullying boss.

  • the conversation thing is similar and I'm normally exhausted after an in-depth one, also the rules is somewhat similar but I'm weird with that one as it don't always bother me, I can sometimes break rules and other times get quite anxious if I'm made to lie or if other people lie it affects me a bit, what always gets me is if I'm given a task in a team work scenario and they aren't doing how i consider it to be down it does bother me a lot.  

  • if your counsellor doesn't 'get it' then you might never get there.   

    Break things into small chunks and work out where you problems occur - like when I talk to people, it takes so much processing power to appear 'normal' that my memory is disabled.  I forget conversations - and what people look like.

    I'm compelled to do the right thing - an overblown sense of social justice - and I cannot understand how others can simply break the rules and lie - and get away with it.   It makes it difficult to form relationships with known liars.

    Have you identified any common issues?

  • i find it really hard to explain how it affects me but im hoping one day i will have the clarity that you seem to possess.

  • Do you understand your Asperger's?

    I find that all of my problems come from chaos - any interaction or process where the outcome is not 100% predictable - like dealing with people or relying on things that are out of my control.   I see the natural and correct way to do everything but no-one else does - so things happen in ways I don't like.  

    Telephone calls are a nightmare - I cannot predict what is coming next so I'm vulnerable to skilled manipulators - and knowing that causes me stress.

    I find the day's stress overwhelming so i need time to decompress and convert all of the day's uncomfortable interactions into things I can solve in my head.    That allows them to be filed away.

    Negative interactions are bad because I often won't understand what went wrong so I am compelled to process them over and over until they can be solved.

    All this takes time where I am unpredictable - I'm 99% stressed so the slightest demand placed on me risks me being overloaded.

    How does it affect you in a basic level - or are you still at the 'overloaded but don't understand why' position?

  • Yep, I was assuming that too, I'm seeing a post diagnosis counsellor but it's not really helping, it's just talking but no solutions, I do feel I need more support but wouldn't what or where to start or even if I'm ready for it yet.
    She is trying but no she isn't always sympathetic/understanding but i don't hold that against her as no she is so not up to speed with what Asperger is and again i don't expect her to be as I'm not myself. 

  • September? - then you're probably in a post diagnosis depression.  

    Lots of self-analysis needed to work out who you really are.   What support do you have from GP or anyone?

    How sympathetic/understanding is your wife?     Is she up to speed with what Asperger's is?

  • yes, Asperger's, got diagnosed September 

  • Then there may be some difficult decisions to be made.   Sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want and the procrastinating is just avoiding/delaying the inevitable.

    Maybe if you explain the problem she might get on board.  Are you diagnosed? 

  • The norm, house, kids, jobs, money. All things that I feel I can't provide.

  • So you need to have a long chat with your wife and explain things and come to an understanding of the way forward.   You need to find a compromise where you both get what you need without forcing hardship on each other.  

    What kind of life would she happily put up with if it made you happy?

    What are her aspirations and does she understand that she might need to re-think her life?

  • Oh I know the 'NT' life ain't for me but I have no idea what to do instead, also wife is not interested in travelling now she's too invested in the 'NT' life.
    Also marketable skill, I have none that I'm aware of, School was an issue so I didn't go, I went undiagnosed so had no help and as a result have poor education and not really any opportunity to find my skills.
    I'd ditch modern life in a heart beat, god I'd ditch this 'NT' world if I could. 

  • So surely step 1 is admitting that 'NT' life is not for you. 

    If you cannot possibly win in the rat race, there are only 2 outcomes - try and fail or do something different - play a different game.

    There are plenty of people who sell-up and travel the world in a camper van.   There are people who go and live in the woods.     There are people who go and become surf instructors.    There are people who go and do all sorts of 'non-standard' lifestyles that fit more comfortably with themselves.

    If you have a load of marketable skills, you don't need to live the lifestyle that your parents did.

    Your biggest problem will be having the bravery to ditch modern life.

    In my case, we live in a high-cost area.   Daughter is at uni.   When daughter finishes uni there's nothing holding us here so we intend to downsize, relocate to the countryside and live a much lower stress lifestyle.  Don't want to set the world on fire - just want to avoid the stress of the world.