What to do you all do for New Year?

There have been lots of posts lately about Christmas. I quite like Christmas and find it quite manageable. New Year however, I find much harder.

The last few years I've just stayed in by myself to avoid it but have felt myself feeling really quite upset and lonely especially seeing everyone's pictures on social media of them enjoying bringing it in with their loved ones. I know I should avoid looking but I can't resist.

I'd happily see in the new year with a small group of friends. Food, a few drinks and some games. This would be my perfect new year. I don't know anyone that would want to bring in the new year like this though.

I have the option this year of going to the pub with a couple of friends but I know the pub will be really busy on New Years Eve and I would just hate it. I'm not a big drinker either. I've tried going to the pub for New Year before and just sat in the corner wishing the hours away.

I don't really have any close friends so it's difficult to explain to people why I wouldn't want to bring in New Year the same way as them and I certainly don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. 

My parents have a group of friends that take it in turns to host New Year so I can't go to them either.

I really hate New Year after New Year being me bringing it in alone. I like me time and not spending too much time with people but I really wish I had a good friend or 2 I could share these times with and would understand the difficulties I have with them.

How do other people cope with this time of year?

  • I don't really celebrate New Year's Eve and Day. To me they are just your average day. I used to celebrate them, I would spend New Year's Eve watching films and then would do the big countdown to midnight and I would always jot down the new years resolutions I had come up with but then I stopped doing that too because I never stuck with my resolutions and it became depressing because I had a long list of things I never finished LOL.

    I still watch films on New Year's Eve but I don't stay up until midnight and I watch films every night anyway. I don't see the point in seeing in the new year, usually the end result is me being absolutely shattered and cranky the next day LOL and that's something no body wants.

  • My sister was so into it she went to a few  of the concerts in that tour (with other friends of hers etc). I've looked it up on Google Bard and this is what it said  about that tour:

    George Michael's 25 Live tour wasn't just one lengthy tour, but actually spanned three tours across almost three years, from 2006 to 2008. Here's a breakdown:

    1st leg: September 23, 2006 – December 17, 2006 (50 dates)

    2nd leg: June 6, 2007 – September 9, 2007 (80 dates)

    3rd leg: March 25, 2008 – December 1, 2008 (21 dates)

    Therefore, the entire 25 Live tour lasted for 151 dates over 2 years, 2 months, and 8 days.

    The tour was truly extensive, taking Michael across 80 cities in 25 countries. It became a massive success, earning numerous awards and breaking attendance records at stadiums and arenas worldwide.

    I like his stuff sometimes whereas she likes it all the time. I'm glad we went to the concert together (and with her twin /my brother). I found I admired+respected George's capabilities as a performer, showman and singer through the show. Due to my mental ill health/autism I found it all pretty overwhelming though. I remember a couple of women next to me throughout who were very into it and castigated me at one point saying I should get into it more i.e. dancing about, whooping, hollering etc. I disliked their comments a lot and managed to stay sort of calm thankfully. I remember having a similar experience at a football match where a woman sat next to me castigated me like that too (she wasn't saying I should dance about in that case but should whoop, holler, cheer, sing, shout etc). It a minefield out there Upside downI liked seeing (and remembering/reminiscing about) the George Michael concert when it was on BBC last week, anyway Slight smile

  • Your sister and you sound awesome Sunglasses I'm very jealous, I would have loved to have seen George Michael live like that. There was an opportunity in 1993 but I was too anxious to go! Probably my biggest regret in life where I allowed anxiety to ruin something special for me. I hope you and your sister enjoyed the tour! I bet it was amazing.

  • I see you're a Wham fan, my sister is too. I watched some of the George Michael concert from 2008 that was on BBC4 www.bbc.co.uk/.../m001n435 I think the other night. My sister is so keen I went with her to the Manchester leg of that tour in 2006 and she was heavily pregnant at the time Slight smile 

  • Normally it's an ordinary day for my family and I. The night usually consists of waiting a movie with the girls, it will normally be a Disney Pixar or another animation and then after that I put them to bed and then spend the rest of the night with my husband. I'll usually have a glass of wine and we'll talk with music playing in the background. When I was younger I used to play dungeons and dragons with my friends lol but I don't do this now, well, not much!

    This year as my husband is poorly he will likely be asleep in bed by 9 and I will probably read or listen to music, once the girls are asleep.

  • Resolution Setting:

    I can honestly say I've never made a New Years resolution to contact a roofing company - it is  special interest of yours of just some left over spam from the party?

  • I will stay in the house. Even my old NT friends hated New Years Eve. You are not missing anything by not venturing out.

  • I liked 30s too - old enough not to be a complete nitwit but everything still worked. I'm 62 now, starting a poverty-stricken old age in the face <sigh>  I'll probably end up nattering on here through NYE, hope to see you all :D  Maybe we should have a 'live' chatroom for the occasion?

  • I used to enjoy the feeling of walking into a club when I was young, sparkly stuff and excitement - 10 mins later I'd want to leave as becoming rapidly bored and overlwhelmed by the noise and lights :D I can't imagine trying to go to a club now! I've got an invite to a New Year's party which I'll give a miss due to expected extreme awkwardness and a bit of over-whelmimg. Will watch the fireworks on telly with the cat and a nice cup of tea!

  • Exactly, this would be perfect for me - but it's hard to manufacture a bunch of people who care about each other and celebrate in a small way together ;)  I'm really glad you have this

  • We're both Capricorns.

    Here's a goat engaged in self-reflection! 

  • Last year it was to get work and life back into balance. I have done that in spectacular fashion by ending the year off sick with work related stress! It's an effective but drastic way of dealing with the issue! Looking ahead I realise the importance of avoiding overwork and spending time in benign, not toxic, environments.

    Well, I suppose if you are going to commit to a New Years resolution you certaining did it in spades! For me, 2019 will be my first assessment appointment in March and like you, getting out from toxic environments and spending more time nurturing myself and benign folks. So, juncture, nurture and SHIFT!

    I get quite reflective around New Year about what has been and what it is to come. This is probably intensified because I have a birthday early in January.

    Like you, my birthday is in early January...so I can totally identify with that heightened sense of self-reflection.

  • I love roof top views as well - not sure if it comes from watching Mary Poppins as a child but yes, I too find roof top views very interesting and they stimulate my imagination. I don’t get sarcasm either so wasn’t sure if you meant it or not, until you clarified. 

  • Of course, they’re vampires really so are rarely to be seen in daylight Laughing

  • Write out, in full detail, what your ideal New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day would look like. Write it in the present tense. Then make a list of how you could achieve it. You might never do these things but that’s not the point, the point is to demonstrate to your subconscious mind that it’s possible. You could put down something like, review or look online at suitable venues, ask around to find out who shares your idea of the perfect new year celebrations. Then when you’ve finished that, the third part is writing as if you have already experienced it, for example, OMG this was the best New Year’s Eve of my life, I loved it so much, it was perfect. 

    You can then put this away or make it into a dream board and put it where you will see it often. 

    I like your idea of the perfect New Year’s Eve so you can put me on your list, and it’s something that can easily be arranged and also, if anyone is desperately short of money, the rest of us could put together so no one gets left out. 

  • I was very disappointed when we were in Northamptonshire and we went to Whitby on the steam train - no goths.  Someone promised me goths!  Admittedly it turned out to be the hottest day of the year, so I guess they were all inside afeared to go out and possibly loose their deathly white pallour :-D.

  • Have an answer ready, something like ~ I’ll be having a fabulous time, thank you,  in my own autistic way,  although I look forward to the time when the barriers have started to recede and I will be able to enjoy myself with other people instead of making the best of the situation, i.e. autistic isolation! 

  • We could all go to the youth hostel in Whitby, have a chat or play some games, have some food and see the new year in like I did last year, stood beside the church as the church bells brought in the new and the beach below let off fireworks. It’s less than £15 for a bed for the night