What to do you all do for New Year?

There have been lots of posts lately about Christmas. I quite like Christmas and find it quite manageable. New Year however, I find much harder.

The last few years I've just stayed in by myself to avoid it but have felt myself feeling really quite upset and lonely especially seeing everyone's pictures on social media of them enjoying bringing it in with their loved ones. I know I should avoid looking but I can't resist.

I'd happily see in the new year with a small group of friends. Food, a few drinks and some games. This would be my perfect new year. I don't know anyone that would want to bring in the new year like this though.

I have the option this year of going to the pub with a couple of friends but I know the pub will be really busy on New Years Eve and I would just hate it. I'm not a big drinker either. I've tried going to the pub for New Year before and just sat in the corner wishing the hours away.

I don't really have any close friends so it's difficult to explain to people why I wouldn't want to bring in New Year the same way as them and I certainly don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. 

My parents have a group of friends that take it in turns to host New Year so I can't go to them either.

I really hate New Year after New Year being me bringing it in alone. I like me time and not spending too much time with people but I really wish I had a good friend or 2 I could share these times with and would understand the difficulties I have with them.

How do other people cope with this time of year?

  • When I was a lot younger, I used to enjoy going out clubbing on New Year's Eve!

    Sadly, I'm a lot more boring nowadays & usually just spend it at home with my three year old cat. Curiously (an apt term to describe a cat), she isn't afraid of fireworks at all & enjoys watching them though the window at midnight. Not sure if she is so contrary because she has lived me since being a kitten Joy.

  • I've never liked clubbing not even on a quiet evening. I used to put up with the pub at New Year but I didn't enjoy it. I just used to sit in the corner feeling awkward. Your cat sounds like she enjoys new year a lot more than I do.

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  • I used to enjoy the feeling of walking into a club when I was young, sparkly stuff and excitement - 10 mins later I'd want to leave as becoming rapidly bored and overlwhelmed by the noise and lights :D I can't imagine trying to go to a club now! I've got an invite to a New Year's party which I'll give a miss due to expected extreme awkwardness and a bit of over-whelmimg. Will watch the fireworks on telly with the cat and a nice cup of tea!