What to do you all do for New Year?

There have been lots of posts lately about Christmas. I quite like Christmas and find it quite manageable. New Year however, I find much harder.

The last few years I've just stayed in by myself to avoid it but have felt myself feeling really quite upset and lonely especially seeing everyone's pictures on social media of them enjoying bringing it in with their loved ones. I know I should avoid looking but I can't resist.

I'd happily see in the new year with a small group of friends. Food, a few drinks and some games. This would be my perfect new year. I don't know anyone that would want to bring in the new year like this though.

I have the option this year of going to the pub with a couple of friends but I know the pub will be really busy on New Years Eve and I would just hate it. I'm not a big drinker either. I've tried going to the pub for New Year before and just sat in the corner wishing the hours away.

I don't really have any close friends so it's difficult to explain to people why I wouldn't want to bring in New Year the same way as them and I certainly don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. 

My parents have a group of friends that take it in turns to host New Year so I can't go to them either.

I really hate New Year after New Year being me bringing it in alone. I like me time and not spending too much time with people but I really wish I had a good friend or 2 I could share these times with and would understand the difficulties I have with them.

How do other people cope with this time of year?

  • I stay inside and watch TV.  The programs are better than the rest of the year.

    Now I live alone, so I obviously watch TV alone.

    When my mother was alive and I was her full time carer, we had European satellite TV positioned at 13E and 19.2E.  so we watched the year celebrations from other countries.  At 9pm we had the new year from Moscow, then the capitals from Eastern Europe, then Western Europe, finally the UK.

  • This is what I've done the last few years but all the New Year tv makes me feel a bit rubbish and like I can't avoid it. I put a film on in the end last year. Probably what I will do this year too.

  • I will elaborate.  My parents were polish.  When they were still healthy they always went to the local polish club on new years Eve.  My mother always helped out in the kitchens, my father often did the cloakroom.  

    I, always stayed at home, trying to make it look like there were several people in the house to keep the burglars away. Keeping lights on upstairs and downstairs.  Flushing toilets needlessly etc.

    Now that I'm alone I just stay in.

    The only exception was in  2012 when  my sister and her husband invited me to go to new years celebrations with them.  We travelled on a package tour to the Isle of Wight and had new year celebrations in a hotel with other guests. I was surrounded by people, yet I felt alone and completely out of place.

  • I love roof top views as well - not sure if it comes from watching Mary Poppins as a child but yes, I too find roof top views very interesting and they stimulate my imagination. I don’t get sarcasm either so wasn’t sure if you meant it or not, until you clarified. 

  • Two innocent words censored by the NAS !!!!!!

    I really find it laughable sometimes.  I mean, I can hear a *** crowing in someone's back yard nearby.  My friend Richard likes to shorten his name to ***.  I used a needle to *** my finger.

    It's treating us like children.

  • Caractacus:
    Their value is intrinsic,

    surpass any mint stick

    Or marshmallow mouthful you munch

    Though licorice is chewy

    And gum drops are gooey

    And chocolate is charming to crunch

    Caractacus and Truly:
    That savory fife,

    that sweet of your life

    Kids and factory workers:
    It's clearly the best of the bunch

    Toot Sweets to the both of you!

    the joy of a singing D I C K!

  • put spaces in between Robert.

    D I C  K  van D Y K  E.

    rediculousconsidering you have to be adult to even be on here, naughty children, now behave yourselves, 

    had a lifetime of that one way or another, 

    Just trying to keep A B R E A S T. Of it all is tiring,,,, Lol. 


  • Also loved Mary poppins , watched chitty chitty bang bang the other day, loved it as a child and still do, full of dreams and imagination, adults being children and seen as eccentric,,, ring any bells? D I c k. Van  D Y  K E was a cheery chappy,,, was in the colourful musical films, a good all round performer, people slate his acting ability, his cockney accent,, if it were spot on authentic it wouldn’t be as funny, it was never meant to be a drama .

  • Two innocent words censored by the NAS !!!!!! LaughingLaughingSmiley

  • Rooftops remind me of Mary Poppins and the scene where *** Van *** dances on the roofs of London, dressed as a chimneysweep.

    Back to the present.  

    My sister and her husband are spending the new year going with the same budget travel firm to Blackpool, to stay at the Palace hotel.  And my sarcastic mind thinks, I bet this palace hotel is no palace!

  • Like you sunflower I look up where others don’t see the beauty and craftsmanship that went into older style buildings, I love staring at old buildings, looking for any history in it’s life, many  are truly amazing, most barely see the frontage as they rush past .

    roof tops yes, where no one really goes, a place to play, explore, functional, how new and old meet, quite solitary places where if possible one  could live unhindered by society and it’s ways. 

    Robert they are lovely pictures, 

    You take such lovely pictures without even trying you always have captured something special that most miss altogether.

     Thank you Robert, 

    Faulty towers ah yes, I too never tire of watching them, good English thought provoking humour, not in your face, often things build and build increasing on poor old basil until he can no longer cope and often just looses it and lets everyone know it.

    I cannot remember which one but he is near to complete and utter shut down, everything he tries so hard to do just keeps going wrong, you can feel the pressure as he holds back more and more, I actually hold my breath just as he does, his face turns red, he sweats, he shakes, his muscles tense, then either sudden total calm as if he has given up altogether, or he bursts open letting everyone know it’s his fault as usual, silly me basil has got it all wrong again.,sorry cybil won’t happen again. Manwell! 

     love it. () x()

  • I don't do sarcasm Robert. I genuinely like those rooftop views. I could spend hours trying to work out what is in that yard. I know some people would consider it a bad view but to me the photos are full of interest.

    Perhaps I like rooftops because I spent so much time up in my bedroom as a child looking out of the window. Stared out of the window a lot in break times at school too. Lots of old chimney pots and interesting ridges to look at. Much better than talking.

    I tend to see beauty where other people see desolation. Some of my favourite wedding photos from 10 years ago were taken at a derelict docks, and  near some graffiti covered concrete blocks on an army firing range (not being used at the time). 

    Once I was at a seedy London hotel high up in an attic room. I pulled up the blind to see what the view was like and discovered a decomposing pigeon on the window ledge. Pulled the blind straight back down again. 

    I walked to school for a whole week to save up enough money to buy a book on the rooftops of Prague. I had no idea where it was, but the idea of looking at lots of rooftops really appealed to me! 

    I am glad you reminded me about Fawlty Towers - I never tire of watching episodes and they still make me laugh even though I have seen them countless times. 

  • I don't do sarcasm Robert. I genuinely like those rooftop views. I could spend hours trying to work out what is in that yard. I know some people would consider it a bad view but to me the photos are full of interest.

    Perhaps I like rooftops because I spent so much time up in my bedroom as a child looking out of the window. Stared out of the window a lot in break times at school too. Lots of old chimney pots and interesting ridges to look at. Much better than talking.

    I tend to see beauty where other people see desolation. Some of my favourite wedding photos from 10 years ago were taken at a derelict docks, and  near some graffiti covered concrete blocks on an army firing range (not being used at the time). 

    Once I was at a seedy London hotel high up in an attic room. I pulled up the blind to see what the view was like and discovered a decomposing pigeon on the window ledge. Pulled the blind straight back down again. 

    I walked to school for a whole week to save up enough money to buy a book on the rooftops of Prague. I had no idea where it was, but the idea of looking at lots of rooftops really appealed to me! 

    I am glad you reminded me about Fawlty Towers - I never tire of watching episodes and they still make me laugh even though I have seen them countless times. 

  • I love roof top views as well - not sure if it comes from watching Mary Poppins as a child but yes, I too find roof top views very interesting and they stimulate my imagination. I don’t get sarcasm either so wasn’t sure if you meant it or not, until you clarified. 

  • Two innocent words censored by the NAS !!!!!!

    I really find it laughable sometimes.  I mean, I can hear a *** crowing in someone's back yard nearby.  My friend Richard likes to shorten his name to ***.  I used a needle to *** my finger.

    It's treating us like children.

  • Caractacus:
    Their value is intrinsic,

    surpass any mint stick

    Or marshmallow mouthful you munch

    Though licorice is chewy

    And gum drops are gooey

    And chocolate is charming to crunch

    Caractacus and Truly:
    That savory fife,

    that sweet of your life

    Kids and factory workers:
    It's clearly the best of the bunch

    Toot Sweets to the both of you!

    the joy of a singing D I C K!

  • put spaces in between Robert.

    D I C  K  van D Y K  E.

    rediculousconsidering you have to be adult to even be on here, naughty children, now behave yourselves, 

    had a lifetime of that one way or another, 

    Just trying to keep A B R E A S T. Of it all is tiring,,,, Lol. 


  • Also loved Mary poppins , watched chitty chitty bang bang the other day, loved it as a child and still do, full of dreams and imagination, adults being children and seen as eccentric,,, ring any bells? D I c k. Van  D Y  K E was a cheery chappy,,, was in the colourful musical films, a good all round performer, people slate his acting ability, his cockney accent,, if it were spot on authentic it wouldn’t be as funny, it was never meant to be a drama .

  • Two innocent words censored by the NAS !!!!!! LaughingLaughingSmiley

  • Rooftops remind me of Mary Poppins and the scene where *** Van *** dances on the roofs of London, dressed as a chimneysweep.

    Back to the present.  

    My sister and her husband are spending the new year going with the same budget travel firm to Blackpool, to stay at the Palace hotel.  And my sarcastic mind thinks, I bet this palace hotel is no palace!

  • Like you sunflower I look up where others don’t see the beauty and craftsmanship that went into older style buildings, I love staring at old buildings, looking for any history in it’s life, many  are truly amazing, most barely see the frontage as they rush past .

    roof tops yes, where no one really goes, a place to play, explore, functional, how new and old meet, quite solitary places where if possible one  could live unhindered by society and it’s ways. 

    Robert they are lovely pictures, 

    You take such lovely pictures without even trying you always have captured something special that most miss altogether.

     Thank you Robert, 

    Faulty towers ah yes, I too never tire of watching them, good English thought provoking humour, not in your face, often things build and build increasing on poor old basil until he can no longer cope and often just looses it and lets everyone know it.

    I cannot remember which one but he is near to complete and utter shut down, everything he tries so hard to do just keeps going wrong, you can feel the pressure as he holds back more and more, I actually hold my breath just as he does, his face turns red, he sweats, he shakes, his muscles tense, then either sudden total calm as if he has given up altogether, or he bursts open letting everyone know it’s his fault as usual, silly me basil has got it all wrong again.,sorry cybil won’t happen again. Manwell! 

     love it. () x()