Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • I am so fussy about tea spoons, modern ones are like shovels Lol, too old and they are too small, stainless steel cutlery only, no plastic handles or any other material, solid stainless, Sheffield steel when possible, 

  • Snap with the state of cup, I make four in one go! One ceramic, two keep hot with fixed lids, they stay hot eight hours, really hot ,   and one thermos open top sipper style. Saves keep boiling the kettle, always at hand, I wake up to a hot drink every morning from a stay hot cup. I work outside so have had flasks all my working life, 

  • Yes, I know that one. In my last job, I was forever being criticised for "gold-plating" my projects; moving things by a fraction to look just-so in documents and in circuit-board designs that no customer would ever see, tinkering with my computer code so that every character was aligned exactly the way I wanted etc. My work-space, on the other hand, was mostly piles of books, pieces of paper with scribblings on them that I couldn't even read myself, half-eaten packets of sweets, tools that I'd absent mindedly put down and thought I'd lost, etc.

  • You could do what famous code-breaker and computer scientist Alan Turing used to do. Padlock and chain your mug to a radiator when you're not using it!

  • I've often puzzled about my inability to make a proper seal between my mouth and the cup. I used to have a theory that it was just thick mugs that didn't work for me, but tbh it happens pretty much all the time. Someone should get adult bibs trending. I saw people wearing them on a TV travel/cookery programme the other night and they looked quite cool! 

    Wish I could notice clutter and lack of cleanliness a bit more sometimes - it distresses my husband and that is not good. As a teenager my mum used to marvel at my ability to produce pristine art work on a bedroom floor littered with dirty crockery, discarded clothes and apple cores! 

    I've never been the tidy sort! 

  • Sludge sounds.... interesting! 

    Tidying has caused several meltdowns for me - I know it's usually well-intentioned but it's incredibly disorientating and alarming. When my favourite mug eventually turned up I was so relieved I took it home. I have multiple work places so I have now assigned it to somewhere where colleagues take great care of things. Sharing space with other people is always challenging! 

  • Hot squash is known as "sludge" because I make a mixture of orange and blackcurrant and it looks errr sludge coloured! 

    My head of dept did hide my mug recently and I had a meltdown... Turned out she was just tidying not hiding it,  but my paranoia of course convinced me it was deliberate!! 

  • These mugs are so charming! I am very impressed that you have kept them intact for several years. I find the type of mug or cup really affects my enjoyment of the drink - the worst for me being plastic or Tupperware cups. They seem to taint the contents and there is no aesthetic pleasure to be gained from looking  at them. 

  • I love these descriptions of your mugs - so,glad you mentioned hot squash as that was my favourite ever drink as a child. Somehow I had completely forgotten about it until I read your post. I am going get some tomorrow and see if it tastes as good as I remember. Glad people at work respect your mug. I got very upset when my work mug went missing for several days. Probably quite wise not to attempt to have a special work spoon - what is it with spoons at work? They always seem to disappear and we end up stirring our drinks with a fork! 

  • I always use the same cup every morning for spring water to take with my medications.

    Then I regularly use these two for tea and coffee throughout the day.

    I bought them a few years ago at a French motorway service station.

  • Aah! Mugs! Don't get me started....

    I have different mugs for different drinks. And different spoons to go with the mugs. So at home there is my coffee mug (Count Duckula) which goes with the coffee spoon (little pattern on handle, looks like Js); then there is my hot chocolate mug (Dalek) with my hot chocolate spoon (says "property of Ramsay street" on it),. The dilemma of course is when I want hot squash. Eventually settled on using the hot chocolate mug with the hot chocolate spoon.

    At work EVERYONE know not to touch my mug. Has "I love spreadheeets" on it. Has to multitask for daily coffee and the occasional cuppa soup. No favourite work spoon though!

  • When I was a kid, my Mum nick-named me "Dolphin Lips" for a while because of the odd way that I drink from cups, mugs, and bottles. I still have no idea what it is that I do differently; even in video of me drinking at social events I can't see it at all. It's very rare for me to get to the end of the day without something ending up down the front of my shirt!

    I'm definitely with you on the Quentin Crisp reference. I even ended up throwing out a load of my crockery once, just to force myself to do the washing up more often for lack of something to eat off. Piles of junk just become invisible after a while; one of my super-powers is a special sixth sense for negotiating my way around clutter and untidiness without becoming consciously aware that it's there!

  • Might not be a bad thing; after three decades or more on the "computer coder diet", I could probably do with cleaning out my digestive system's "thick, dark, crust of tannin and coffee solids on the inside". Laughing

  • That is an incredibly interesting fact. Makes me a bit alarmed about what Lem-Sips do to my stomach though! 

  • Love it! Good to know I'm not the only dribbler. I belong to the Quentin Crisp school of housework (no need to do any cleaning because after the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse). I married a clean and tidy person though, hence my pristine mug! 

  • A Lem-Sip will magically make your mug like new again.

  • Mine's the one with a thick, dark, crust of tannin and coffee solids on the inside, and dried-on tea/coffee slicks and dribbles down the outside (I have still to learn how to drink out of a cup properly without getting it down my chin!) I always arrange for en-suite hot drinks in my "man cave" wherever I live, and I can easily go for months without ever thinking to take my mug with me when I go downstairs to do the washing up!

  • Our recently adopted Border Terrier has her own mug which says 'a house is not a home without a dog'