Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • Mine's the one with a thick, dark, crust of tannin and coffee solids on the inside, and dried-on tea/coffee slicks and dribbles down the outside (I have still to learn how to drink out of a cup properly without getting it down my chin!) I always arrange for en-suite hot drinks in my "man cave" wherever I live, and I can easily go for months without ever thinking to take my mug with me when I go downstairs to do the washing up!

  • Love it! Good to know I'm not the only dribbler. I belong to the Quentin Crisp school of housework (no need to do any cleaning because after the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse). I married a clean and tidy person though, hence my pristine mug! 

  • When I was a kid, my Mum nick-named me "Dolphin Lips" for a while because of the odd way that I drink from cups, mugs, and bottles. I still have no idea what it is that I do differently; even in video of me drinking at social events I can't see it at all. It's very rare for me to get to the end of the day without something ending up down the front of my shirt!

    I'm definitely with you on the Quentin Crisp reference. I even ended up throwing out a load of my crockery once, just to force myself to do the washing up more often for lack of something to eat off. Piles of junk just become invisible after a while; one of my super-powers is a special sixth sense for negotiating my way around clutter and untidiness without becoming consciously aware that it's there!

  • Tesalation was a word I loved, polygons etc, neat orderly and also mirror images,,,

  • I constantly re align things to line them up, in an attempt to stop doing this I , move things so they don’t line up or point at a certain point , I tried casually moving things to un align them,,, but if they then point( say the handle of a cup) at a given item exact , I still try to put the item so it means nothing,,, all rather complex, 

  • This sounds delightfully familiar! 

  • Yes, I know that one. In my last job, I was forever being criticised for "gold-plating" my projects; moving things by a fraction to look just-so in documents and in circuit-board designs that no customer would ever see, tinkering with my computer code so that every character was aligned exactly the way I wanted etc. My work-space, on the other hand, was mostly piles of books, pieces of paper with scribblings on them that I couldn't even read myself, half-eaten packets of sweets, tools that I'd absent mindedly put down and thought I'd lost, etc.

  • Yes, I know that one. In my last job, I was forever being criticised for "gold-plating" my projects; moving things by a fraction to look just-so in documents and in circuit-board designs that no customer would ever see, tinkering with my computer code so that every character was aligned exactly the way I wanted etc. My work-space, on the other hand, was mostly piles of books, pieces of paper with scribblings on them that I couldn't even read myself, half-eaten packets of sweets, tools that I'd absent mindedly put down and thought I'd lost, etc.
