• RE: Noise reduction earbuds/plugs

    I work in sometimes noisy environments. When it's loud chatter and background noises that are impacting me hearing speech i've found calmer helpful to clarify speech, but these aren't great in the very loud environments. Loop engage I've found more helpful…

  • RE: Suggestions for things we can do to help ourselves re ASD

    I bought ear defenders and they're my favourite thing ever. I wear them in addition to earplugs at night and I'm finally getting good sleep.

    I also bought a puzzle cube as a stim toy and solving it is really relaxing.

    I have a radar key but it…

  • RE: Charity Collectors at Supermarkets.

    Look straight ahead, focus on where you're going and be oblivious to them. As if you're wearing blinkers. When it's clear you're not going to engage they'll soon move onto the next person.

    By the time I get to the supermarket entrance…

  • RE: Singing assemblies

    On the one hand they might be right. In life you can't avoid noisy environments 100%. However the answer is clearly not to just leave her to cope with this on her own. There needs to be a concerted and planed effort to help her develop coping strategies…

  • RE: Sleep Difficulties

    I'm naturally a night owl and forcing myself into a different pattern might be what contributes to poor sleep. I sometimes use a weighted blanket and I've got some earplugs on order. Have backout curtains too. I also find if I sleep on a low bed (virtually…

  • RE: daily anxiety for teenage girls with ASC

    I sometimes also get similar symptoms in class - this is what I’ve found that works for me

    Stress ball - gives me a way to stim subtly & try and regulate emotions

    ear plugs - I’m hypersensitive to sound, so these are really useful for me to…

  • Advice about Access to Work

    I appled for Access to Work when I started my current job supermarket assistant in December. They contacted me yesterday, and they agreed to communicate via email so far. I'm waiting for next email, but in truth I have no idea what I could ask them for…

  • RE: Noise reduction

    Firstly I am shocked that the school have said this. If it works for her then they should let her do it. What is unfair is the fact that she can't concentrate in class because people are making this noise. 

    Someone once recommenced Vibes high fidelity…

  • Help my autistic son needs dustractions

    my son is 26 and lives on his own.  He cannot live with us as it is too stressful for him he needs his own space. He currently lives in a flat but he hears the neighbour upstairs and focuses on it and gets stressed as it stops him getting to sleep. I have…

  • RE: Public transport

    I was on a bus in Liverpool a few weeks ago when the kids were going back home from school.

    Ah, yes.

    This was a bus full of school children but exceptionally posh ones from a private school.

    I think I find that more irritating…