Noise reduction earbuds/plugs

Hi, I work in a fairly busy and sometimes noisy environment. I often struggle with loud or high pitched sounds. 

I've been considering the likes of Loops etc. I'm basically looking for real world recommendations before I take the plunge.I need to be able to clearly hear conversations so basic plugs won't really be up to the job.


  • I work in sometimes noisy environments. When it's loud chatter and background noises that are impacting me hearing speech i've found calmer helpful to clarify speech, but these aren't great in the very loud environments. Loop engage I've found more helpful for this, I still need to be able to hear speech so engage was the best bet. They do work for different settings though. If you want more sound block and don't need to hear speech the other loop earplugs are likely better but I haven't tried these ones.

  • I work in sometimes noisy environments. When it's loud chatter and background noises that are impacting me hearing speech i've found calmer helpful to clarify speech, but these aren't great in the very loud environments. Loop engage I've found more helpful for this, I still need to be able to hear speech so engage was the best bet. They do work for different settings though. If you want more sound block and don't need to hear speech the other loop earplugs are likely better but I haven't tried these ones.

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