Public transport

What do people here think about public transport?

Public transport means potentially dealing with unfamiliar people, and this can be challenging (and quite funny). I've just posted a very short video on my Autistic Not Alien YouTube channel about a weird train trip I had.  

(Hoping that the moderators don't class this as spam, as I've just seen that someone has posted a link to a Neurocuriosity YouTube video on another thread.)

Parents Reply
  • I was on a bus in Liverpool a few weeks ago when the kids were going back home from school.

    Ah, yes.

    This was a bus full of school children but exceptionally posh ones from a private school.

    I think I find that more irritating than the opposite.

    I used my loops earplugs though and they helped (but only brought the noise level down a few decibels).

    I believe that one of my many freaky physical attributes is exceptionally large earholes (hence the largest loops don't work that well).
