• RE: National Service

    Clearly, you've not any practical expereince of mIlitary training.

    It IS character building, in that it trains you to prioritise service over self interest, it gives you experiences that you'd otherwise never think of having, or have the opportunity…

  • RE: Pretty much given up

    Thank you for your kindly sentiment, JLyn. You save me as He reaches out to me tonight. Heart

    I pray and the words burn up in my mouth and diffuse into nothingness. But to have support from a believer means a lot. 'God's peace and love'. I've got the choice…

  • RE: Exhausted from social interaction and not wanting to interact with others

    ‘I feel frustrated when someone speaks to me, I am polite to people and pretend I'm interested however deep down I wish they would leave me be because socialising tires me out’ ~ it’s perfectly ok to want to look after yourself and to keep to only a small…

  • RE: Failure

    I'm sorry you were disowned like that. It must have been so awful and confusing for you at the time. Thanks for sharing your own personal experiences with me. Hope it didn't bring back to many unhappy memories.

    Thank you, it…

  • RE: Unpleasant, domineering therapist

    Alternatively you can tell her off directly or go over her head to complain to a higher power.

    That may be a bit strong - I would document what is happening in…

  • RE: Not finishing things

    I pick up interests and activities as I go along in life and have them in a sort of toy box of the mind, or in a file systems in my brain. I can return and pick interests and activities up again as my mind and circumstances suit.

    I do end up "finishing…

  • RE: Newbie! Diagnosis question?

    I'm a twin so I always had that Jiminy Cricket character in front of me 24/7 - I could measure and compare to my brother whenever I was in doubt.

    I had no problem at night - we slept with the door open so I could hear the tv and people downstairs…

  • Sleep

    Hi. Following my diagnosis I’m doing lots of ‘autism and…’ searches on Google, though trying to ration the searches to a non-obsessional pace and largely succeeding so far. I have, after all, the rest of my life (however long that may be) to look into…

  • Worried and in need of advice please.

    Hi everyone, we went to the meeting last week with school regaurding my son's difficulties.Tim is in year 10, mainstream Comprehensive. Once again we explained 'how it is' for an autistic child as they think they know but hav'nt got a clue. I was in the…

  • RE: PIP and ESA medicals

    thats how the DWP have been like ever since they existed lol but yeah keep tryna make out one side its different on, that totally fixs the problem... and not like, totally sweeps it under the rug and keeps it around to use as election propaganda while…