• Finding things hard

    Hey everyone,

    I'm not really sure where to go for some help and feel like I am at a cross roads. I apologises now if I fumble with terminology, no offense is meant.

    My partner and I are pretty much certain he has autism and associated conditions.…

  • RE: My partner is struggling *THIS POST MAY TRIGGER*

    He says he feels like his mind is separate from his body, like there is someone separate controlling his brain who takes over and says things he doesn't want to

    In psychologist's lingo, these would be called "dissociation", which is…

  • RE: Job interviews that didn't go well

    My favourite interview question was always "where do you see yourself in 5 years time?" usually asked for jobs like McDonalds and JD Sports. I would always answer "developing in the company" as part of my script while actually thinking…
  • RE: Husband really struggling

    OK I might not be right here but you said he messaged her...so to me it says he used technology to say that.....we really are different in person and that goes for everyone of us. Even me typing this now isn't the real me....burning bridges is harder…

  • RE: "Up Top" Again

    How rude of me! All these lovely, heartwarming replies, and there's me wandering off and forgetting that I even made this thread! (thanks for the bump, CM!)

    [Yes, I know I could use notifications and all those other fandangled features - but I'm a…

  • RE: Social services removing children from parents with ASD

    The borough where I am a school governor is not meeting all its statutory targets for kids with SEN. The SEND budget is £2m+ over-spent. The budget for kids in care is over-spent. Social worker vacancies are not being filled becaust the "vacancy savings…

  • RE: Back pain

    Hi Andrew, this is definitely the case for me. I've struggled with poor posture and joint pain for about 9 years. It started with wrist pain whilst i was studying and the GP said it was RSI from too much typing. Was advised to rest and take painkillers…

  • RE: Why nothing for us!!!!

    Replying to the ghost in the machine I agree with the funding issue, it's a difficult one and it's probably a tight rope that they walk regularly, NAS is very parent centric but that's how it was created so I can't really argue with that too much.…

  • RE: At breaking point with my sons behaviour

    OK, you are clearly at your wits' end and that must be a nightmare for you.

    It's difficult to see things clearly and analytically in that state. I speak from experience.  But you are clearly trying your best to find a solution (even this post evidences…

  • RE: What job to you want most

    Thanks for sharing that in such a beautifully written way. Much of that resonates very strongly with me. That feeling of 'how do they know?', 'when will all this become clearer?', 'what happens if I don't get the calling to a specific career?' was always…