Why nothing for us!!!!

It really annoys me, my brother has CMT and there is a weekend expecally for him and he found his gf there who also has CMT.

I have High functioning Autisim and there is nothing for us, no weekend meetup that takes place every year. Wouldn't it be great if we could atcually have something like that, i might of met a girl if that had happened

  • Replying to the ghost in the machine I agree with the funding issue, it's a difficult one and it's probably a tight rope that they walk regularly, NAS is very parent centric but that's how it was created so I can't really argue with that too much.

    I agree on there in effect being two different sets of requirements, one from parents and the those at the severe end of the spectrum, another from those of us with Asperger's/Higher functioning Autism etc. both have different priorities, needs and wants, the difficulty and it will always be trumped when it comes to funding is that one requires help, the other doesn't.

    Has MattBucks been to an autism social event, or a parents group or any other event where he might meet adults on the spectrum and see what they have to cope with?

    I have Asperger's/higher functioning autism myself so I have a reasonable understanding of what adults have to contend with, at least when it comes to my own experiences. I know where I've struggled, where I've found ways around things coping mechanisms etc.

    I realise that in spite of, but actually more likely because of my ASD I've done reasonably well in life, I'm in my early thirties, I have my own house (and so my own space when I need it), don't struggle to pay the mortgage, own car, money isn't an issue and I can function in day to day life, even if I regularly find parts of it (social interaction being a big one) burns me out very quickly, but I can function on a daily basis. Sure I find some people difficult to deal with, but I do have a small group of solid friends, a great family who accept me for who I am (even if they don't understand me) and I'm physically fit and in good health.

    I also have a friend (who I got to know through going to watch England play football) who has a son with quite severe ASD so I've seen the difficulties that they face on a daily basis. I'd much rather that any money was spent on him rather than me, I don't need it, he needs all the help he can get as it's very unlikely he will ever be able to live independently. 

  • Replying to the ghost in the machine I agree with the funding issue, it's a difficult one and it's probably a tight rope that they walk regularly, NAS is very parent centric but that's how it was created so I can't really argue with that too much.

    I agree on there in effect being two different sets of requirements, one from parents and the those at the severe end of the spectrum, another from those of us with Asperger's/Higher functioning Autism etc. both have different priorities, needs and wants, the difficulty and it will always be trumped when it comes to funding is that one requires help, the other doesn't.

    Has MattBucks been to an autism social event, or a parents group or any other event where he might meet adults on the spectrum and see what they have to cope with?

    I have Asperger's/higher functioning autism myself so I have a reasonable understanding of what adults have to contend with, at least when it comes to my own experiences. I know where I've struggled, where I've found ways around things coping mechanisms etc.

    I realise that in spite of, but actually more likely because of my ASD I've done reasonably well in life, I'm in my early thirties, I have my own house (and so my own space when I need it), don't struggle to pay the mortgage, own car, money isn't an issue and I can function in day to day life, even if I regularly find parts of it (social interaction being a big one) burns me out very quickly, but I can function on a daily basis. Sure I find some people difficult to deal with, but I do have a small group of solid friends, a great family who accept me for who I am (even if they don't understand me) and I'm physically fit and in good health.

    I also have a friend (who I got to know through going to watch England play football) who has a son with quite severe ASD so I've seen the difficulties that they face on a daily basis. I'd much rather that any money was spent on him rather than me, I don't need it, he needs all the help he can get as it's very unlikely he will ever be able to live independently. 

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