• RE: Nobody listens to me

    Good morning and welcome to the forum.

    Slightly off topic....this is long

    This what happened in 2020 before COVID was declared:

    Used to have a meeting before started at the library where used to volunteer (now gone to pot); this unfortunate day it…

  • RE: Autistic Mum At Crisis Point

    Thank you for your message - it's much appreciated.  I had a case that was going to Tribunal a few months ago and used that as a basis for asking my Employer if they would let me go on Early Release but they wouldn't do it because I would cost them…

  • RE: How is everyone coping with the current changes?

    Being on the spectrum I knew I was also OCD and ADHD, but these haven't really concerned me much until now.  Focusing on tasks during the day is difficult, I have a burning need to check emails and phone for messages all the time, though if there is…

  • RE: Does he know?

    Heyyyy :D

    MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! hope its a fabulous year for you!

    Oww hope you are better now?  ow no so why cant camhs see you i know you will be 18 but isnt there like a follow on place for adults?

    Oww i know this is easier said then done…

  • RE: Just had a massive meltdown at work

    Outside of work I'm generally quite chilled as long as I get my space when I need it.

    I don't really socialise as I'm highly cynical about people and have been burned too many times to trust most people by default.

    I used to be more social…

  • RE: Hello again.

    Hi Gilly.  I don't think you need to worry too much about bothering your husband with your woes.  You are obviously a caring and considerate soul based on what you have written above.  He may actually like the distraction of thinking about your problems…

  • RE: Could you identify with what is said on these forums and NOT be on the spectrum?

    I did a lot of research and soul searching before I braved joining here and dipping my toe in this online water.

    like you said earlier, the reading and researching led to a holy crap, slap me with a brick realisation and things clicked for me and everything…

  • RE: Hell

    Thanks for the comments recombinantsocks (I had a knickname of "socks" at my first college as it was 80's and everyone was suddenly wearing bright flourescent oranges and lime greens, so instead of wearing my usual all black, I added flourescent socks…

  • recently diagnosed and started a job

    So basically i was diagnosed with autism at the end of august at the age of 23 and at the start of this month started my first ever job in a shop. I have always found education environments overwhelming so I was always petrified of starting work anyways…

  • RE: Black Lives Matter Campaign

    BLM has NOTHING to do with skin colour or black lives - it's a well funded Marxist political group working to divide & conquer to overthrow governments.      While they are burning and destroying everything to do with a country's culture and history…