• RE: Everyday is a battle - what about you?


    Over the weekend was my current version of being very sociable and active.

    Hi ~ I can relate in that I went to a wedding session a couple of weeks ago, so a big social and sensory burn out factor from that.

    I really…
  • RE: How to find friends/girlfriend as an autistic male, 19

    Haha I went the same way, and I managed until 41y.o. I say I'm stubborn like a donkey,  My burnout lasted 1 year and 9 months

    I found out I'm autistic at 42y.o. 

    I'm 43 now and newly born, developing new systems to make it possible to survive, All…

  • RE: Scared about the heat

    I am glad the air quality is good where you are, that will help so much. I am a few miles out of the city centre too, so the air should be nice but for some reason everyone seems to think that seeing as we are having a heatwave it is a good idea to make…

  • RE: over sensitve to heat in the summer.

    I'm pretty much the same as Hope. I despise having any exposed skin on my arms and legs and avoid sunlight like the plague, often only coming out on overcast or rainy days which is why some relatives call me a vampire.

    I think its a combination of…

  • RE: Romantic Realationships With A Partner On The Spectrum

    The key thing to remember is that autistics (generally) don't deal with stress in the same way as non-autistics but - more importantly - don't respond to the 'usual' supportive things that people try to offer...

    Shutdown is the most common…

  • Lost everything in the Lahaina fire.

    Hi everyone. I have been away from the forum for a bit.

    I was in the middle of the Lahaina Maui fire. 

    Got out with just seconds to spare.

    Lost everything,

    I am rudderless, pitching an yawing in chippy waters.

    This is very hard.

    I've been placed in a hotel…

  • RE: Gym

    No recommendation on the gym I'm afraid - most gyms need to be busy in order for their business model to work and for them to survice though.

    I would suggest finding ways to cut out some of the sensory load here - good quality noise cancelling ear…

  • RE: Light and eye damage

    I would say ambient, difused light of a shaded floor/desk/ceiling lamp, that's at the right spectrum wouldn't hurt, avoid cold/blue light, and that's majority of LEDs

    Direct light even at the right spectrum if to strong might be damaging - I…

  • RE: Eating habits

    I used to be a crash and burn sugar high type of person and I weaned myself off it. Eating a wholemeal lunch was a big help. I bought a pressure cooker and vacuum food flask and made myself stews that were a mix of grains n pulses and bulked it up with…

  • I am sooooooo happy right now

    …probably because I haven’t left my house for three days nor have I got dressed or barely left my bed and best of all, I haven’t eaten Blush I had a good excuse not to eat, I had some kind of bug that’s apparently going around which made me…