Everyday is a battle - what about you?


Over the weekend was my current version of being very sociable and active. I really don’t know my limits because they are so unpredictable. I am a fighter too and I push myself. Today I went into a state of shock, I couldn’t move because of physical pain and lack of strength and had a meltdown I think. 

The thing i want to discuss is that is that I spend everyday on high amber alert and without fail I go into red at least once a day. Honestly, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to realise the stress that I feel mentally, emotionally and physically every minute of the day.

  • keeping my self healthy isn't a option for me iv been doing it for years but when im not well i give up which inevitable also effects my menatl welling and my stability  the last few years iv been keeping it up really well and mentally it really does help to keeping to a routine even if you can when your stressed it helps to stabilize me better 

  • Hi

    Over the weekend was my current version of being very sociable and active.

    Hi ~ I can relate in that I went to a wedding session a couple of weeks ago, so a big social and sensory burn out factor from that.

    I really don’t know my limits because they are so unpredictable.

    I have learnt my limits over time and with practice through hard experience.

    I am a fighter too and I push myself.

    I am a negotiator now and I pace myself.

    Today I went into a state of shock, I couldn’t move because of physical pain and lack of strength and had a meltdown I think. 

    I get stress induced seizures, lock-ins or shut-downs, with nervous infernos of tingly pins and needles and physiological hypertensive exhaustion.

    The thing i want to discuss is that is that I spend everyday on high amber alert and without fail I go into red at least once a day. Honestly, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to realise the stress that I feel mentally, emotionally and physically every minute of the day.

    Learn to pace yourself by establishing a routine and learning to stick to it to some extent, involving time-outs and time off ~ such as relaxing in a bath of Epsom salts to draw out all the toxins from your body twice a week, what with the stress hormone cortisol being a proper toxicological nasty for the mind-body relationship.

    Vitamin C tablets are a good idea for some as such, as can also be taking activated charcoal tablets, with both being good for detoxification purposes ~ along with a healthy balanced diet and good hydration and all that.

    Obviously speak to your GP or a qualified health professional before taking any dietary health supplements.

    It might be a good idea to speak to your GP about your current state of affairs quite possibly?

    Have a good one ~ filled with infinitely more! :-)


  • I'm always stressed too. I find exercise and eating well does help. I try to focus my mind on relaxing and funny things like past memories, clips from films or recalling something I have learnt. I'm so serious and need to lighten up but get so focused on something I forget to have fun. 

  • I feel very similar. I'm constantly exhausted at the moment and I don't really know my limits either. I always feel scared (varying from slightly on edge to panicking) and while my anxiety escalates, so do my sensory issues. I'm feeling completely burnt out but feel like I have too much going on to stop. I decided the best way forward was therapy - sometimes we need a bit of extra guidance to recognise how we're feeling and what we can do to take care of ourselves. I'm going through it now and hoping it'll help. It might be worth asking your GP what support you can get from your local mental health service.

  • I have several versions of me:-

    • In the stress/anxiety centre where I am in the stress/anxiety mode until I blow/meltdown.
    • In the slightly relaxed zone, away from the stress centre but still in work.
    • Outside work where I can let it all out, try to relax doing things that are my strengths yet still ruminating over the complete mess where in the centre everyone is on tip toes and I am in complete isolation listening to my music in the office on earphones.