• RE: What’s normal?

    Hi OrinocoFlo, thank you and thank you for your reply. And yes, you are right, you have to be an excellent communicator if you want to manipulate and control a whole nation. But communication can be used for good as well. 

    And trust me, you NEVER fall…

  • RE: Miswired Women of the Net!

    Hi everybody. I’m feeling a bit flat and worn out today but after reading all these posts, they’re so supportive and it’s so good to find others like me, that I wanted to say hello before I went to bed. I was diagnosed at the end of last month, aged 50…

  • RE: I want life to stop

    Burn Out -   

    last August , After I fled the fire that burned down my town and all that I owned I felt very much like you describe for days and weeks at a time.

             One day, aimlessly looking through a donation pile where people were picking through for…

  • RE: First violent outburst

    Reading this the first thing that comes to mind (and I know I'm repeating myself here) but where in the Triad of Impairments is there any guidance to resolving such issues? The Triad hasn't got a clue!

    I don't think anyone knows any answers. I…

  • RE: Failed at work

    I have taken some time to think about a response to your post. 

    Personally, work has always been the most difficult thing for me and the thing I struggle with the most. I have had over 40 jobs in my life and I am only in my mid 30s. Work has made me more…

  • Lost and lonely in my autism

    Hi all my name is SJ 44   married with one fantastic little boy . I was assessed as autistic 2 years ago. After many years of various cycles of mental health which I now know is burn out and melt down overwhelm. I have been treated for sex addiction in…

  • RE: Functioning Labels - Open Discussion

    I think capitalism is significantly involved. 

    It's to do with whether they can leave you t to scrape the bottom of your own barrel and if you can shout loud and long enough to get the help you need. 

    I'm "high functioning". Got a 1st class degree in…

  • RE: Just saying hello

    The GP might need convincing before he pushes the referral forward - there's no need to delay - do some research into Asperger's to understand what they are actually asking you.    If you self-analyse, you'll probably come to the conclusion that…

  • RE: How do we think differently to NTs?

    I know this feeling. I'm in the same process of re-examining my life to try and understand who I am.

    I spent most of my life in customer facing roles so I've learned (without realising I was doing it) how to adapt to what was happening around me.…

  • RE: Got my assessment report draft today

    I don't unfortunately. I can just about function looking after myself in general and thats only now because I am stable, when I am unstable I can barely do that. Adding a job to that is just too overwhelming for me. Deffo not from a lack of trying…