• RE: Walking out of school...

    That'll be good for her - burn energy and be part of a herd / flock for a while.

  • RE: Greta Thunberg is freaking me out.

    I live near a railway line that carries the freight trains full of wood chopped down in America, shipped to the UK, then travels by train from Liverpool to Drax power plant in Yorkshire. I know someone somewhere has worked out this is better than burning…

  • A rant (feeling burnt out)

    I hate being asked "how are you?" "are you ok?" "is anything on your mind" "you look like there's something on your mind"

    I feel burnt out the last couple days, I don't like the heat I was forced to come to…

  • RE: How did you 'come out' as autistic to your family following diagnosis?

    You're also going to start replaying your life over and over in your head, analysing every interaction and decision you've ever made wondering if you behaved rationally or because of your autism.    Have you done things in the past that were probably…

  • RE: Any autistic PhD students struggling out there?

    Hi Iain, thanks for the response. I have written a more detailed reply to everyone below with more specifics on what I am actually struggling with. I am already registered with every possible support service at the university at the moment but I think…

  • RE: Wanting to go out

    It's great that he wants to go out and do things and something to be encouraged.

    We autists tend to hyper-focus on our interests and can quite happily spend all of our time doing the things that interest us and we enjoy. I can see how it may be an…

  • Need help to sort out my head.

    I have ADHD and Asperger's. I love people and miss them when I'm away, but I can only really do groups where I can phase out while others are talking and join in when I feel up to it. (Although I hate large crowds as I can't hear what people are saying…

  • RE: Suicide Run out of things to try to help

    yes i suggest you burn that book because it could finish you.

    You still have assets to loose.

    u really need to say

    you need to think "thats it I have done what I can i tried but its done now" otherwise you are creating a mental prison for yourself…

  • RE: Anyone else freaking out over Christmas?

    Aww thanks Tom. I've read your post too and I think you have far more to cope with than me. I find your response and your email to your brother is very considered and if it were me I think I would have given up by now, had nothing to do with the awful…

  • RE: Finding out about Aspergers Syndrome in later life

    In my early 40's recently diagnosed with Aspergers, after the psychological crash and burn brought on by the condition, been sacrificing my life for work obsession, on paper I was a total success, but the Aspergers rock has to come back down to Earth…