• RE: 'Reasonable' Workplace Adjustments

    Sounds totally reasonable and will cost them nothing.

    I do get what you mean though. I'm 57 now and diagnosed last year. I had a diagnosis of dyslexia at 19, when it was only just really being recognised and no one really knew how to accomodate it. I…

  • RE: Want to be dead

    I hear you Billy.

    The autistic imperitive to flight or fight when getting abused battles with the fact that you love them and they need you.

    Is there anywhere you can hide for a few days away from the chaos? Family or friends? Camping?

    You'll burn-out…

  • RE: Leg and hand problems

    I know your right I think I'm just putting of the inevitable. Its just doctors are so difficult, first have to try and get an appointment and then need to make sure I don't have a meltdown and get burn out at the end of it Cry

    I'm hoping it'll just…

  • RE: Worried about being left behind

    Asking them to wait for specific things so that you can join should not be seen as selfish. I feel it’s important to monitor yourself though not to do too much that would cause burn out; sometimes you could prioritise your self care and miss things. But…

  • RE: Your Distractions

    Hi thanks. That's what I'm going to try and do, take it slow but work on things just try not to burn myself out in the process.

  • RE: Finding a career path

    I'm 31 and I still haven't figured out a career. I get an idea, try to put some learning in, and then burn myself out with overthinking stuff. Sometimes I wanna be a writer, sometimes I wanna be a game developer, yadda yadda. I get you on dealing with…

  • RE: Work

    You’re absolutely right, I do always ask this as it causes me such effort when told things verbally but sick of asking now as it’s constant and no one listens, feel So debilitated, I’m off sick now, have major burn out to point I feel like I never want…

  • RE: Desperate to change school - Started Sixth form this September

    To be honest; doing A Levels was a mistake. It burned me out, and couldn't revise properly. At Uni, I improved; but still lost enthusiasm at Final Year.

  • RE: Insomnia

    I can assure you that it has nothing to do with mania. Judging from what you wrote it sounds more psychosomatic. Physical symptoms like the one you describe could be related to anxiety and stress, especially if you are feeling burned out and had a lot…

  • RE: Heightened sense of taste and smell

    that makes sense. It was wierd today, I was very burned out from doing difficult jobs the last couple of days and from socialising. My wife says shes noticed this happening to me before but I dont remember it. It was like I could smell every smell if…