• RE: Foxy has four legs


    foxy got to go free,eeeeeeeeeeee yesterday and I took her to a medow with good fences that a local dog owner told me about, a fine meadow, and one with flowers and grass so high that when I lay down I could play hide and seek…

  • RE: What to expect in my outcomes meeting??

    You can expect in the long term, to learn that government and it's minions & subsidiaries are not there to help you...

    I USED to run into a flurry of argument absolutely every time I said stuff like this, (I'm actually Apolitical, what some people…

  • RE: Eye contact - is it resolvable?

    Hi Longman,

    Your post intrigued me - as a fellow "mouth-watcher", the way you summarise your experience chimes with my own.

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you mention 'playing a role' - i.e. that it has an awful lot to do with the degree…

  • RE: everthing becomes insignificant

    We are strictly prohibited here from giving any medical advice or recomendations, but you might like to try to locate the Rick Simpson Video entitled "Running from the Cure".  

    I found it educational  and interested, and have first hand witnessed…

  • RE: Didn't meet diagnostic criteria

    Why is everything like you describe such a 'lottery'? I've spoken to two GPs regarding autism during appointments - one was so dismissive and uninterested that she didn't even bother to respond to my saying "Goodbye" - twice - at the appointment…

  • RE: Autism and poverty

    I'm the opposite. I absolutely love it when I don't have much money. And it always seems to happen at a time when I don't actually need much.

    For example, for the last two years, I've been living on benefits, which started in debt, so I rarely…

  • RE: Performance anxiety

    Warning....this is a little loooooooong. 

    The place I left has some really negative & badly entrenched mental models (anti-disability, anti-women/minority (I do not throw this out lightly), general bigotry really). I've worked in numerous industries…

  • RE: Housing Crisis

    I'm not disagreeing with you on how it happened. My point is why it happened and that was down to the massive de-regulation of the 80's under Thatcher/Reagan that more or less continued to the 2008 crash.

    What you describe as happening in the…

  • Who are you? (Adult Aspie identities)

    It occurred to me when reading a post recently that adult Aspies sometimes seem to have spent so many years masking, mimicking & changing their behaviour to fit in that their "real" self has become subsumed by a "fake" self, or they feel they no longer…

  • RE: ESA reassessment-Form Arrived today

    Thank you for your words there, you have perspective and this is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about, going through this now becomes a one track thing where I lose that perspective I have built because it all collapses in on itself the longer…