What to expect in my outcomes meeting??

Hello, I have finally had the call for our outcomes meeting for my little boy. Feel a sense of relief and very anxious. Any indication on what to expect? What is provided? Documentation?

Been a long time coming and I am so grateful to finally be here. Just feel very anxious about it all. 

  • You can expect in the long term, to learn that government and it's minions & subsidiaries are not there to help you...

    I USED to run into a flurry of argument absolutely every time I said stuff like this, (I'm actually Apolitical, what some people see as me trying to make a political point, I see amore as simple customer complaints about the service I get from a service I used to pay through the nose for (government) until I decided it was a waste of time engaging, except as a vocal critic) but nowadays usually no-one seems to step up to tell me loudly how wrong I am! 

    As I got older and wiser I was expecting to "settle down" and become more appreciative of the people who serve us, whereas as I learn more about how the world works and am less swayed by pretty words and my own emotions (one of the advantages that advancing age bestows, that's why it;s so good if the grandparents live in the home and look after the grandkids)yet I have come to  identify them as a bunch of freeloading grifters, leading us swiftly towards our doom on a raft of lies, and bound together apparently united against us proleteriat by a fear of having their own nasty sins exposed.

    For those who are familiar with drugs and the people who use them, there is a video circulating right now that shows Jacinda Ardern unmistakably (totally unmistakably) apparenlty/obviously just after taking a decent sized bump of cocaine....

    If I've got to tame myself and submit to being "lead" at the very least I want the people who lead me to be of decent quality. The guy who is talking about and may have to MANAGE a nuclear war with Russia is President Joe BIden.

    No matter how hard I tried, I could not smoke enough dope to debilitate or impair myself as much as the videos currently circulating of Joe Biden.

    We are all told how government cannot function without our 25-40% basic rate of income tax, plus 20%vat taken from any of the balance left over from the first tax. We are all told what our duty to society is, which is basically shut the hell up and pay your taxes, tarriffs, levies, fines, fees, licences, and of course INTEREST PAYMENTS. That at least SEVEN drains on your wages, that our society "needs" in order to function.  


    HOW HELPFUL is government when you request a service? And if you get it, (you lucky sods) how well is it delivered??

    Answer those questions honestly, after calculating how much of your take home p[ay just goes on stopping agencies from taking you to court and then see how happy you are with what we are getting.... I'm deeply unhappy and am now trying to wake the rest of you up, so we can get something done, at least here in the U.K. and go back to having a half decent standard of living or better yet, redefine our aspirations so we start going for a better QUALITY OF LIFE.

    Most people are too busy "coping" to have time to step back and ask these questions, but when they get older or have some other event that means they cannot "cope" and actually need some help, well, everyone else is too busy and self absorbed in "coping" so then you need those government services that you have spent your working life paying for, only to find that they got cut back, or even shut down, or they plain don't want to give them to you with you doing a LOT more begging. 

    At your outcomes meeting, they'll offer or give you something. It will have strings attached... You'll most likely end up better off in one way but you'll also get some sort of commitment or reporting process that it will depend on. Everyone involved will get paid for [participating, some of them bloody handsomely EXCEPT YOU. YOU and most of the rest of us PAY for that, and follow the dictats of the people you pay to tell you want to do.

    That might be a good deal if everything was getting better, in aggregate, but you can see that it isn't! (After you've lived a few decades.) 

    And for the single person out there (If I am lucky) who sees the naked truth in my words, and the penny suddenly drops, and you feel a tad of the white hot rage and resentment that has burned in me (intermittently, I take time out) since I started figuring things out in the 1980's, PLEASE don't be tempted to violence. Don't blow anything up or kill anyone, THAT'S WHAT THEY DO!! Don't play their game... It's a waste of time. Always. The sort of people who lead violent revolutions just end up being the new oppressors. Every time. 

  • You can expect in the long term, to learn that government and it's minions & subsidiaries are not there to help you...

    I USED to run into a flurry of argument absolutely every time I said stuff like this, (I'm actually Apolitical, what some people see as me trying to make a political point, I see amore as simple customer complaints about the service I get from a service I used to pay through the nose for (government) until I decided it was a waste of time engaging, except as a vocal critic) but nowadays usually no-one seems to step up to tell me loudly how wrong I am! 

    As I got older and wiser I was expecting to "settle down" and become more appreciative of the people who serve us, whereas as I learn more about how the world works and am less swayed by pretty words and my own emotions (one of the advantages that advancing age bestows, that's why it;s so good if the grandparents live in the home and look after the grandkids)yet I have come to  identify them as a bunch of freeloading grifters, leading us swiftly towards our doom on a raft of lies, and bound together apparently united against us proleteriat by a fear of having their own nasty sins exposed.

    For those who are familiar with drugs and the people who use them, there is a video circulating right now that shows Jacinda Ardern unmistakably (totally unmistakably) apparenlty/obviously just after taking a decent sized bump of cocaine....

    If I've got to tame myself and submit to being "lead" at the very least I want the people who lead me to be of decent quality. The guy who is talking about and may have to MANAGE a nuclear war with Russia is President Joe BIden.

    No matter how hard I tried, I could not smoke enough dope to debilitate or impair myself as much as the videos currently circulating of Joe Biden.

    We are all told how government cannot function without our 25-40% basic rate of income tax, plus 20%vat taken from any of the balance left over from the first tax. We are all told what our duty to society is, which is basically shut the hell up and pay your taxes, tarriffs, levies, fines, fees, licences, and of course INTEREST PAYMENTS. That at least SEVEN drains on your wages, that our society "needs" in order to function.  


    HOW HELPFUL is government when you request a service? And if you get it, (you lucky sods) how well is it delivered??

    Answer those questions honestly, after calculating how much of your take home p[ay just goes on stopping agencies from taking you to court and then see how happy you are with what we are getting.... I'm deeply unhappy and am now trying to wake the rest of you up, so we can get something done, at least here in the U.K. and go back to having a half decent standard of living or better yet, redefine our aspirations so we start going for a better QUALITY OF LIFE.

    Most people are too busy "coping" to have time to step back and ask these questions, but when they get older or have some other event that means they cannot "cope" and actually need some help, well, everyone else is too busy and self absorbed in "coping" so then you need those government services that you have spent your working life paying for, only to find that they got cut back, or even shut down, or they plain don't want to give them to you with you doing a LOT more begging. 

    At your outcomes meeting, they'll offer or give you something. It will have strings attached... You'll most likely end up better off in one way but you'll also get some sort of commitment or reporting process that it will depend on. Everyone involved will get paid for [participating, some of them bloody handsomely EXCEPT YOU. YOU and most of the rest of us PAY for that, and follow the dictats of the people you pay to tell you want to do.

    That might be a good deal if everything was getting better, in aggregate, but you can see that it isn't! (After you've lived a few decades.) 

    And for the single person out there (If I am lucky) who sees the naked truth in my words, and the penny suddenly drops, and you feel a tad of the white hot rage and resentment that has burned in me (intermittently, I take time out) since I started figuring things out in the 1980's, PLEASE don't be tempted to violence. Don't blow anything up or kill anyone, THAT'S WHAT THEY DO!! Don't play their game... It's a waste of time. Always. The sort of people who lead violent revolutions just end up being the new oppressors. Every time. 

  • Fear is the key motivator; these days. Exacerbated by targeting a specific demographic; the traumatised and Codependent.

    Homes, Workspaces and Classrooms are now Prison Cells. And social gatherings are now Warzones. It's about achieving consent; by hook, or by crook.

    All the Illegal Ravers, and New-Age Travellers, from thirty years ago went on to become Teachers, Lecturers and Healthcare 'Professionals'. Their objective was clear; make the Nation Unproductive, so they depend on Welfare. They sought to punish those who simply wanted to get on with their lives.

    Counterculture's goals are, by and large, achieved. A Militant Scepticism has emerged. TV is the new Church.

    All we need to do is switch off from the overload.