• RE: Autistic mum struggling with anxiety, ruminations and feeling like a failure

    I feel the same. When I'm really burned out and having a sensory overload and my little boy just puts his face in mine and shouts "play daddy, play daddy, play daddy" I just cant cope

  • Autistic burnouts

    Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with autistic burnouts? Other then resting as that's not always an option for me plus I sleep well most nights anyway just still struggling with burning out 

  • RE: Photographs Living Vicariously?

    The last photo I took, was because I was high on LSD, and the colors was all weird, and i wanted a memento, to see what it would look like with sober eyes, it was this weird manikin and burned out house thing...I haven't looked at it since.

  • RE: Panic attack

    Yeah melt downs would be better way of wording it like chatrophosisng or how ever it's spelt realised that wasn't aimed at me but yeah if your ASD most likely what catlover said that and burn out 

  • RE: Bands/Songs that move your soul

    Tom Petty This old town, Rob Zombie Revaluation Revolution, Sabaton To Hell and back, Green Day Burn out, Iron Maiden Days of Future past and The tossers Be oh and again Green Day East Jesus know where.

  • RE: Burnout

    I’m exhausted from the end of term and run down. I struggle with change in routine so I‘m thinking this is related as I’m not run down during the term. Would you consider this a burn out?

  • RE: Leaving the site.

    Sometimes, when people are hurting or in that state of mind where you feel unacknowledged, it's sort of a parting shot, one last attempt to be heard. I recognise it in myself sometimes especially when I'm close to burning out. I now know it's sort of…

  • RE: Work

    How were you managing before you burnt out? 

    Is it possible to adjust your role somehow so you don't burn out. Can your OH or HR departments help.

    I've hit that a time or two. It was then that I knew I needed a change; a work/life restructure to manage…

  • RE: Hi! :)

    Hello ,

    Welcome to the NAS community! Thank you for sharing your story. You may like to have a look at out advice pages on Autistic burn-out and fatigue: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/autistic-fatigue


  • Autism living in a non Autistic world

    Newly diagnosed at 44 years old , felling like I do not belong in this world , it’s such a lonely place , people always misunderstand and lack  clear communication skills . Leaving me in regular Autistic burn out . 
    Can anyone else relate .