• RE: Thoughts on technology and human evolution.

    I don’t think I could cope without my iPhone. For me it’s my connection to other people and the world, I use it to email people rather than phone, I do online banking to save me the hell of going into a bank and deal with small talk with the cashier,…

  • RE: Struggle to eat Veg & Salad

    Any suggestions 

    Get yourself a nutritionist who understands your food issues and work a healthy, balanced diet that you can tolerate.

    For the fruit side I used to get a load of apples, pears, berries, mangoes and whatever was cheap at the…

  • RE: Food

    A potato is a good substitute for a banana. They contain much of the same nutrients. Meat also has a great deal of nutrition. Years ago I read the perfect food in a crisis was a jacket with butter. Digestives have oats, so you've ticked boxes. Does he…

  • RE: Changing perception of others

    The world is becoming a more hostile place, no doubt. Everyone feels marginalised by something while being told at the same time THEY are the problem. Discourse is disregarded in favour of not compromising under the guise of a sort of tribal 'association…

  • RE: Motivation and mentaining my home

    Hi Neurountypical,

    My exec functioning isn't good either but I recently found an app call "Tiimo" (spelt exactly like that) its just a daily planning app you can schedule out everything you need too down to the finest details and make them repeat daily…

  • Help with my very angry toddler

    im looking for some advise, I'm currently on holiday dealing with my very very angry toddler and I’m counting the days in my room until our flight home.

    he has been referred 2 months ago suspected high functioning autism and adhd.

    the past few…

  • RE: Pip assessment at short notice

    Tupster, I'm sorry your feeling frustrated. When I first applied for PIP the benefit had only just been released and I had months of waiting for my assessment, which was awful. When I applied for my renewal I only had to wait a few weeks for my assessment…

  • RE: Asperger United Magazine........

    cannot or are not allowed to befriend on here.

    Glad Tidings to Mr LoneWarrior...

    ...! Due to 'Personal Circumstances' which means my own so-called "Brother", I was unable to log on for the past few days... but I am able, it seems, to write this…

  • RE: door handles and adapting to social situations

    longman said:

    I agree you can argue people on the spectrum want real dialogue about interesting things, but to survive in human society we actually do need the social interface, for which we are not equipped.

    Agreed. What is particularly frustrating is…

  • Back to Porridge

    Tomorrow, normal life resumes. Way too quick, for us to readjust. However, I am blessed not to have work to go to tomorrow morning. I can settle down longer. 

    This evening, I gifted my Artist friend the Mobility Scooter; for his Sixtieth. I tried to record…