Pip assessment at short notice

My 19 year old son who has been receiving dla then pip since he was 3 was sent letter to see if his condition had changed.  In fact it had not, if anything it was worse.  He had fallen through the system at the end if the education, he was statemented with an iq of 67, but unfortunately got lost in the system and we were almost at the stage of catching up with ourselves.  He was on waiting lists to see aporopriate professionals including ADLT.  Anyway, they sent form to see if any changes.  I returned saying no.  His renewal was not due for another 10 months, so I was stupid enough to think they were honourable people.  They gave us 3 weeks notice to say an assessor was visiting and we still had no up to date evidence, so guess what, no more pip.  I have had to pay for private reports from ot and psychologist as I can no longer wait for NHS apointments, I am hopeful for a reinstatement.  Has anybody else had an appointment sprung on them, is this the way they are operating?

  • Tupster, I'm sorry your feeling frustrated. When I first applied for PIP the benefit had only just been released and I had months of waiting for my assessment, which was awful. When I applied for my renewal I only had to wait a few weeks for my assessment like your son has it. I saw this as a positive as I was able to get everything over and done with very quickly. This was a lot better for me than lengthy waits.

    Although you've had a tough time at least you've learned the importance of backing up what you say, which will stand you in good sted when you send off your renewal applications in future. I have a PIP folder on my computer and every time I receive a useful piece of evidence, like an OH report, I scan it and save it so all I have to do is print everything off the next time I apply. 

    Unfortunately we live in a society where there are lots of people who feel they're entitled to PIP simply because they have a disability and they lie on their form due to this. I've worked with two people like this. It isn't fair that a few bad apples ruin it for those genuinely in need but because of this the government do like to see evidence that what you are saying is true. I just wished they emphasised this on the form.

  • Tupster, I'm sorry your feeling frustrated. When I first applied for PIP the benefit had only just been released and I had months of waiting for my assessment, which was awful. When I applied for my renewal I only had to wait a few weeks for my assessment like your son has it. I saw this as a positive as I was able to get everything over and done with very quickly. This was a lot better for me than lengthy waits.

    Although you've had a tough time at least you've learned the importance of backing up what you say, which will stand you in good sted when you send off your renewal applications in future. I have a PIP folder on my computer and every time I receive a useful piece of evidence, like an OH report, I scan it and save it so all I have to do is print everything off the next time I apply. 

    Unfortunately we live in a society where there are lots of people who feel they're entitled to PIP simply because they have a disability and they lie on their form due to this. I've worked with two people like this. It isn't fair that a few bad apples ruin it for those genuinely in need but because of this the government do like to see evidence that what you are saying is true. I just wished they emphasised this on the form.

  • It sounds to me like you are a very organised person.  I wish you every success when you get your renewal, and if yours is 10 months early, and your assessment is 10 working days from the date you completed your renewal,and that you are not on any long waiting lists because your county has poor funding for mental and healthcare facilities so your reports are older than 12 months.  You should sail through.