Gastro Intestinal...just a general discussion as it seems to be not looked into regarding autism

Hi I'm sure I'm not alone in that gastro intestinal issues have plagued my son since birth and he only got diagnosed with autism at 18 and he 24 now,  gastro intestinal issues seem to be a bit of a mystery concerning the connection with autism. We were always recieve sub par service from NHS and doctors  (sorry but it's true) it's like oh you got a tummy bug go away...that's it that's all you get no tests nothing. I've posted this to see what others experience is regarding GI issues are. I'm at the point now and he has asked me to do this so we will do it radically change his diet..we already are healthy ie we don't do the take  out we dont do alchohol as he had a problem with that a while back and so cant have alcohol in the house and cook fresh meals 3 times at least in a week meals with veg in it  and dint eat meat etc but it's not enough he still has nausea and on occasion will vomit straight up wht he just ate. It would be interesting to hear other people's experience , has anyone had any improvement changing diet??

  • This is very interesting, my son doesn't suffer but two of his friends are having this battle currently and constantly get sent home from school with "runny poo" and told 48 hours. Both have had to get letters from the GP stating its linked to the autism and diet. 

  • I cut down drastically on dairy foods and drink, mostly replaced with oat-derived products, and I was surprised how much better my guts were as a result. However, there is no hope of me forsaking onions, they are the basis of most of the things I like and cook..

  • This is so interesting. I have been having a similar issue for years and still ongoing...

    I am constantly nauseous, terrible acid reflux, stomach ache and other things.

    I have had blood tests, urinal sample, stool sample, ultra sound, and endoscopy.

    I seem to have flare ups from stress, but I have tried changing my diet, not having alcohol, nicotine, coffee and changing foods, such as nothing acidic or spicy. I currently take omoprozole and have tried lansoprazol. 

    I'm pretty sure mine is from high levels of cortisol in my body from being anxious, over stimulated and overwhelmed. This has been going on for years. None of the tests I've had have showed anything, but I'm adamant it is stress. They haven't said it's IBS (well one doctor said IBS doesn't exist), but they don't seem to know what it is, but it lasts weeks, sometimes months. 

    I remember one of the worst times was in my teens when I was struggling with my sexuality and I couldn't eat, I felt too nauseous and couldn't hold it down.

  • How many of us here with this trouble were breast fed? For how long?

    My personal theory on this problem has to do with whether we got enough antibodies while breast feeding. Most bottle babies have allergies and intestinal troubles, unless they got raw milk from mother or a goat, whose milk is very similar to ours. This has been the wisdom passed down, at any rate.

  • I wish it were made of faux leather or something more robust, myself!

  • Tomorrow I may post what I've discovered as I've grown older, about reality and how it affects us but enough of 'me' today!

  • The only reason I keep learning is because it's maddening. Erich Fromm's 'Sane Society' is a good one to look at. while humans have come a long way, it's a shame that living in congruity with our earth is often only for the wealthy... 

  • Yeh are you talking about benzodiazepines? They are addictive for sure. A lot of autistic people also have co occurring epileptic disorders. They take anti seizure medication for it which increases gaba. I had an autistic friend with epilepsy who had to take epilepsy drugs from his doctor. They made him really talkative but also depressed at times. Sometimes he would cry over insignificant things similar to how a drunk person might experience hightened emotions and cry more often. There was talk about scientists calming down the overexcited autistic brain with seizure medication. But the science needs to catch up with the times. So don’t do or take anything unless your doctor tells you to! I am not giving medical advice!

  • You can get meds for it, but only from private. Also, they're incredibly addictive, so it's important to never take them more than a few days in a row and never with grapefruit. 

    However, a daily mushroom (nootropics) supplement  with reishi and Lions Mane can help and is much healthier, but takes a while to start having an effect. 

  • I hope so...It seems to be more in the majority than not. Its very difficult to deal with and all you can do is tailor your food to what you need or what your child needs.

  • Agreed we are so far removed from how we wouod have eaten...and we forget that even though time has.moved on large parts of our brains are still primitive and so we dont work well with a lot of the garbage that's sold as food.

  • Absolutely stressless responsible for A LOT ..I believe it goes back to fact as primitive beings we have the fight or flight...and we or our bodies and brains respond to a lot of things in the modern age ie bright lights in a Supermarket or a fast car coming our way we react the way we did back.then like when the saber tooth tiger was coming..only the modern world expects us not to be bothered by any of those things but obviously w are and it isn't any good.

  • I think you are correct on all points you make...another one is that they even found very strong links between Azhiemers and roads because when people literally "burn rubber" as they drive the micro particles go into the air etc which we breathe in etc which they think is linked to it. I think we live in a world that is not in tune with who we are as human beings ie we are exposed to things that are wy to harsh for us...but centuries pass and we become desensitised and then madness literally sets in or we exist in a society and live by rules and act in a insane way.

  • Well yes it does seem that way about the government.  I do think giving a purely  organic diet a go is a good idea..a lot of organic veg is not that much different in price these days..its more the meat fish milk they hike up the price for that.

  • Yes was going to mention that what we eat now is very very different from what originally bck when we were clubbing deer over the head to et lol if you look at what an avocado used to look like you would not even recognise it.

  • Yes in fact I have only after around 25yrs come to be aware that what one neuro typic person might experience say for example an already challenging event they will come out of it like oh that was hard I might need a little help and time to deal with the stress of that...where as for someone who has autism that same challenging experience will be felt 10 times worse and they felt like they are trying to get over just coming off of the front line in a war....I was in fact pretty unsupportive of a friend who had autism and was always telling me how stressed she ws about something which I as a neuro typical couldn't understand why she was so stressed about it.Im now much more supportive of my son as I realise his level of stress is much higher he is much less tolerant and able to deal.with things I may be..its like he has ptsd from just existing. 

  • Hi

    YES! And I know of 5 others either with autism themselves or with children with autism who have these issues - myself including. This needs investigating!

  • I wish it was a chemical imbalance as that as you say is something they could give meds for.

  • If you could diwn load and post on here it would be appreciated not just by me but all of the other people on here...the more info the better.