25.9.17 A place for hefelumps & skinny beans to chat or reflect from poetry to humour to beneath the roots

For those wishing to chat about miscellaneous every day in's and out's , good morning's and goodnight's and somewhere safe to play on words or share concerns.

  • Hi holly good to see you found us,Me and Ellie seem to cause most trouble round here Lol.just joking,Ellie is just one of the amazing people who fill my life with joy.A bit quite tonite but we enjoy our chats and occasional silliness,we just enjoy not having to be on our guard.

  • They are thanks.  Only problem is that because of my ASD - Science is my special interest, sometimes I already know some of the things we are learning so lessons can sometimes get a bit boring lol. How is the teaching going? xx

  • Hi Holly...ooooh tough subjects! I teach a level Computer Science....hope those studies are going well xx

  • Hi I'm Holly, I was diagnosed with ASD a few months ago (I also have depression and anxiety) and I am currently doing my a levels (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths).  I love science and Sherlock Holmes. (Just wanted to introduce myself) xx

  • The eczema is annoying because sometimes the itching and burning is on my back near my shoulder blades, where I find it difficult to reach.  Then I have to sit up in bed for about 20 minutes to allow the cream to be absorbed to take affect.

    My irregular heartbeat was eventually diagnosed in hospital.  Before that I received some unusual opinions.  A couple of visitors suggested that the mirrors in my bedroom were the cause of my sleeplessness.

    One wall of my bedroom is a fitted wardrobe with full length sliding doors made out of mirrors.

    The argument was that mirrors have mystical properties.  That can affect your health. And in many cultures when someone dies and is lying in state in the house before the funeral.  All mirrors are covered in black cloth.

  • Ok....have you tried alternatives to steroid cream. Check out neal yepards hypercal calendula cream x top tip! 

  • I also suffer from eczema, where my skin just starts burning.  And I wake up to put steroid creams on the afflicted area.

    Yes, I have seen a doctor,. Sleeping pills were ruled out because of my recent suicide attempts with pills.

  • Sounds like you have years  worth of unsettled routine to sort out. Gave you been to your doctor about it? 

  • I am trying to improve my health by getting back into a regular sleeping pattern.

    11pm to 7am

    So far with very little success.  Problems, nightmares about the past and worrying about the future.

    Going back further, I had heart failure and an irregular heartbeat waking me up at all hours of the night.

    Even further back when I was a full time carer for my mother, a baby monitor kept us connected and I had to get up whenever she was calling out, could not get up or back to bed.  On & off a commode etc.

  • Hey Robert123

    have you always had problem sleeping? Is this down to over analysing stuff / anxiety / Heath issues 

    hope you are ok 


    I always lack sleep.

    My tired legs told me to go to sleep early.

    Went at 11pm.

    Woke up 1:05am

    Woke up at 2:45am

    Eyes tired, legs tired.  

    Keep waking up.

  • Taxi on the move laters. X

  • PancakesMeat on boneFriesHamburgerFork knife plateDrooling faceZzz Wife late ringing tonite? Teatime soon,not Chinese probably microwave curry,

    nite nite my flock! For I am the shepherd who watches my flock at nite. (Glad spell check didn't change last bit)


  • I get that slow..have to eat by 8pm....save me a spring roll? 

  • Shame it's not easier to post pictures on here, I'd love to see it. Time for Chinese now, yes it's too late, part of the out of control life routines... 

  • Uh oh! Don't mention November and setting the world on fire together? That is a while to wait,I am sure you are under selling yourself.

    Until it arrives just keep strumming along.Oh boring alert! I finished painting that big adjustable spanner,looks very nice if I do say so myself.The colour is cool jade? Back in the day there were nice colours used on tools,cream,soft yellows,ruby reds,dark greens,midnite blue. I am very much a primary colour person but old tools look nice in original tones.

    hugs ()x

  • Hi Lone, the new one won't arrive until mid to late November which is going to test my patience in the extreme, but I've bought it from a very unusual and customer focused seller so I'm just making the most of my existing bass. I try but progress is slow, won't be setting the world on fire any time soon! ()x

  • Hi spotty lovely to see you,Hope the bass is still ongoing. Has the new one arrived yet? Bet your excited.

    Missy is it true that bell ringers are always hanging around? I love the sound of church bells,reminds me of my wedding day.watch out for the bats.

    bonnie the bells always ring when important people are around Lol.

    () ()

  • Lol you are all funny Slight smile