pictures of lunch. Just that simple. just pictures.. of lunch, or breakfast.. or dinner

  • This was my lunch and will be my tea/dinner/supper (cross off as suits your class/upbringing/age/predilection/wont).

    It's home grown tomatoes fried with non-homegrown mushrooms and potatoes.

    I added grated cheddar cheese (an essential ingredient to all food) and humous.

  • oh Debbie, that looks absolutely divine. Now I want to put this in my rotor of weekly meals now! did yo udo it is a slow cooker, crock pot sort of thing? when you say you have it for tea/dinner/supper etc do you mean you eat that everyday or just al in one day.

       I'm going to try your dish in a slow cooker! thanks for the picture - worth 1000 words! what fun.

  • oh Debbie, that looks absolutely divine. Now I want to put this in my rotor of weekly meals now! did yo udo it is a slow cooker, crock pot sort of thing? when you say you have it for tea/dinner/supper etc do you mean you eat that everyday or just al in one day.

       I'm going to try your dish in a slow cooker! thanks for the picture - worth 1000 words! what fun.

  • I just put this on tyhe rotor for Fridays now! Friday is "Debbie's medley' day! -

  • Ah. I don't eat any food after, say, 2pm. I digest so slowly. So it's b'fast and lunch. I sometimes go tots off script and eat nothing but fruit for up to aa week if I am under a lot of  stress.

    I want to add a slow cook veggie thing dish like yours now.

    I can eat goat cheese and yogurt. Cow products makes me so clogged.. 'nuf said there.

  • did yo udo it is a slow cooker, crock pot sort of thing?

    I fried it with vegetable oil in a wok.

    I do lots of soft veg that way and then add mountains of grated cheddar cheese.

    Whichever way you cook it, and whatever ingredients you add, enjoy!


    when you say you have it for tea/dinner/supper etc do you mean you eat that everyday or just al in one day.

    The latter.