pictures of lunch. Just that simple. just pictures.. of lunch, or breakfast.. or dinner

  • This was my lunch and will be my tea/dinner/supper (cross off as suits your class/upbringing/age/predilection/wont).

    It's home grown tomatoes fried with non-homegrown mushrooms and potatoes.

    I added grated cheddar cheese (an essential ingredient to all food) and humous.

  • oh Debbie, that looks absolutely divine. Now I want to put this in my rotor of weekly meals now! did yo udo it is a slow cooker, crock pot sort of thing? when you say you have it for tea/dinner/supper etc do you mean you eat that everyday or just al in one day.

       I'm going to try your dish in a slow cooker! thanks for the picture - worth 1000 words! what fun.

  • I just put this on tyhe rotor for Fridays now! Friday is "Debbie's medley' day! -

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