Olypics Pah

I'm fed up with olympics already an they've not even started yet, nothing but sport on telly, all news will be olympic news, I can't wait for autumn and some proper telly. I even wondered what would happen if there were a big terrorist attack and the whole thing had to be cancelled?

I dont' like sport or competition, competitive people scare me, for me theres no such thing as good adreniline so why would I want to get it pumping. Why should I care if someone wins something or not? We get fed the lie that they're doing it for all of us, I think are they really indeed? I think I'd rather have the extra money off my shopping rather than have sports sponsership. I never asked them to do it, nobody asked me if I minded the amount of money that goes into it, the cruelty and even worse I get called a kill joy. Well have they ever thought that not all of us are flag waving sheeple, content to enjoy the spectacle whilst the world goes to hell in a bathtub?

  • Sorry, |I still don't understand what you mean.

    The BBC are devoting pretty much all their airtime to  the olympics, I looked at the tv magazine and there'd almost nothing but repeats on the other channels. To be honest I'm not sure what I'd watch on the streaming services, I quite fancied watching GOT again, but I don't think Mum would enjoy it.

    Do Aldi really need more brand recognition?

    Its still a load of sh1te in my opinion and attempts to mollify me do the opposite and really annoy me.

  • I welcome the Olympics, it takes my mind of other problems in the world and my personal life.

  • That's a great way to be! I feel sure that a lot people would be envious and wish they felt the same way about competitive games.

    Kindly-meant suggestion: it might help to edit your scenario A to show you winning 750 - 720. Otherwise, in A, you're both winning AND beating your previous best score :) 

  • I don't understand what you mean in your scenario's?

    To lose but do better than I've done before is a greater achievement , for me, than winning against someone and not doing so.

  • I like any sport that we see a bit more of the geometry of movement and trajectory. :) 

  • I think I'd rather have the extra money off my shopping rather than have sports sponsership. I never asked them to do it, nobody asked me if I minded the amount of money that goes into it

    I know it can seem like a frustrating and unnecessary use of their money, but sponsorship (at that kind of level) can be a powerful marketing investment that generates significant returns - much more so than any benefits they might gain by spending the same sums on providing discounts (which could also devalue their brands).

    Benefits can include building brand awareness, creating positive brand associations, reaching target audiences cost effectively, leveraging corporate hospitality to build relationships with key people, etc.

    nothing but sport on telly

    From a quick look, it seems like it's only BBC1 that's devoting most of its coverage to the Olympics (along with the odd, short programme on BBC2). So, for terrestrial channels at least, that leaves a few others sticking to their regular programming.

    There's also the option of diving into some streaming services (which I recall you were perhaps looking into getting access to recently) and bingeing on some older series, with lots of episodes queued up and ready to enjoy. These days, I'm spending more time watching things on streaming services than I am on "normal" TV.

  • In the interest of balance - I love the Olympics and Paralympics. 

  • in order to have their wicked ways with us.

    Oh err. Does that requite proof we are over 18 to participate in? Wink

  • I don't understand what you mean in your scenario's?

    Is competition healthy? I'm not sure it is, I'm probably the least competitive person around, I really don't understand it, I've tried too and it just seems to me to be a cause of ill health and unhappiness. All the stuff about losing and winning and 'its the taking part that matters', is just total carp, if you lose at something you're very much made to feel like a second class citizen, winners are expected to crow their victories to the rest of the world and have the rest of the world bow down before them. The 'its the taking part that matters' crowd just try and mop up the harm caused by the former two, because it's obvious that taking part mattering is so as the winner has someone to feel superior too.

    When I was at school I decided not to play these sort of competitive games, I got trouble for not being good enough and making people "lose", gangs waiting outside the school gates for me, type of trouble. So I decided to be myself and not partake at all, it got me a different kind of trouble but one that was prefferable to gangs waiting outside the school gates.

    The olympics might only be every four years, but I dont' care, I still feel invaded, and the world cup is only every four years, somehow all these sporting events take up the whole summer and those of us who enjoy gentler pursuits like gardening are marginalised even more. Even Newsnight last night was infested with olympics.

    I don't see it as a polarized thing of sport or war, that to me is ridiculous, if people want to run about and get sweaty and horrible then fine, but do they have to show off about it on a world stage?

  • I'm not overly keen on the Olympics either, but I begrudgingly accept that the TV broadcasting companies need to cater to a variety of viewing tastes. There is no doubt in my mind that I will probably spend the next two to three weeks feeling inwardly frustrated about the disruption to my normal TV viewing schedule. However, when one considers the Olympics happen once every four years, and only last two-to-three weeks, it doesn't seem quite so bad.

  • Sadly, everything is.

    The Empire usurped everything that Men enjoy, Sport, Motors, Sci-Fi and Meat-Eating, in order to have their wicked ways with us.

  • It's no longer about Sport, or Nationalism, it's about Sponsorship and Globalism.

    Show me a "thing" that isn't?

  • To be honest, I'm more concerned about symbolism in the opening and closing ceremonies. All because kids were taught Dance, by the Fame Generation.

    It's no longer about Sport, or Nationalism, it's about Sponsorship and Globalism.

  • I pay little attention to the Olympics, so it doesn't bother me. 

    Not having a telly at home helps - not replacing it was a great idea - so glad it blew up! Boom

  • Like you, I have VERY little interest in the Olympics.  However, the way I see it is.......if they (the masses) don't see the world as I do, then at least they are doing something healthy!  EVERYBODY that is able to compete at the Olympics are (by definition) people who are incredibly driven and passionate people.  The fact that they may, or may not be sheeple is irrelevant to me (although Mr firemonkey gets brownie points from me for using one of my favourite terms - to be clear, I mean "sheeple.")  I am very comforted by the fact that some VERY driven people have chosen to use a vertical stick, to get over a horizontal stick at substantive height.......rather than using their energy and prowess to destabilise me or my world!!

    The same goes for everybody who likes to watch, or get caught up in the excitement of the Olympic games.  I am glad that they are motivated and inspired by watching countries compete...in a HEALTHY way.  It isn't my way, but I respect and am pleased, for those who enjoy it. Again.....I am glad they are wishing their men/women jumping over sticks, rather than using drones and tanks to "express" themselves.

    Flag waving......is very preferable to......glass milk bottles, filled with petrol, with burning rags hanging out of them !

    Just my thoughts.

  • Scenario A: I outscore Y 750-720

    Scenario B: Y outscores me 820- 760, but 760 is better than my previous best. Maybe I'm just weird, but for me scenario B pleases me more than scenario A.

    Edited to clear up any confusion.