Olypics Pah

I'm fed up with olympics already an they've not even started yet, nothing but sport on telly, all news will be olympic news, I can't wait for autumn and some proper telly. I even wondered what would happen if there were a big terrorist attack and the whole thing had to be cancelled?

I dont' like sport or competition, competitive people scare me, for me theres no such thing as good adreniline so why would I want to get it pumping. Why should I care if someone wins something or not? We get fed the lie that they're doing it for all of us, I think are they really indeed? I think I'd rather have the extra money off my shopping rather than have sports sponsership. I never asked them to do it, nobody asked me if I minded the amount of money that goes into it, the cruelty and even worse I get called a kill joy. Well have they ever thought that not all of us are flag waving sheeple, content to enjoy the spectacle whilst the world goes to hell in a bathtub?

  • Like you, I have VERY little interest in the Olympics.  However, the way I see it is.......if they (the masses) don't see the world as I do, then at least they are doing something healthy!  EVERYBODY that is able to compete at the Olympics are (by definition) people who are incredibly driven and passionate people.  The fact that they may, or may not be sheeple is irrelevant to me (although Mr firemonkey gets brownie points from me for using one of my favourite terms - to be clear, I mean "sheeple.")  I am very comforted by the fact that some VERY driven people have chosen to use a vertical stick, to get over a horizontal stick at substantive height.......rather than using their energy and prowess to destabilise me or my world!!

    The same goes for everybody who likes to watch, or get caught up in the excitement of the Olympic games.  I am glad that they are motivated and inspired by watching countries compete...in a HEALTHY way.  It isn't my way, but I respect and am pleased, for those who enjoy it. Again.....I am glad they are wishing their men/women jumping over sticks, rather than using drones and tanks to "express" themselves.

    Flag waving......is very preferable to......glass milk bottles, filled with petrol, with burning rags hanging out of them !

    Just my thoughts.

  • I pay little attention to the Olympics, so it doesn't bother me. 

    Not having a telly at home helps - not replacing it was a great idea - so glad it blew up! Boom

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