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White Supremacy Vs White Supremacist

People need to learn the difference between the two terms.

White supremacy is the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial, ethnic, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental disability groups.

White supremacist is a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial, ethnic, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, physical and mental disability groups.

So one is an ideology the other is the people who enforce it. The difference is how the word ends if it ends with a y, then the ideology is being talked about, if it ends with ist, then the people who enforce the ideology are being talked about. It’s the same terminology difference as with Christianity and Christian, Christianity is the mythology and Christian is the follower of the mythology.

Using the name of an ideology doesn’t not make BIPOC people racist towards white people. So if anyone thinks that, says more about you than the people using the correct terminology.

  • So you're staying then? Not the final goodbye?

    Are topics about white supremacy and oppression the kind of stuff you'd like to discuss here? Or do you want to talk about autism? Because I don't like seeing discrimination towards "cis straight white people" as much as I wouldn't like seeing discrimination of any other group of people. 

  • Actually, you’re the one who is now discriminating against a BIPOC person because you want to continue to false accuse me of discrimination towards “cis straight white people” over terminology. So I’m not the problem you are cause in my post I said “cis straight white male supremacy ideology” so continuing to call me discriminatory for using the correct terminology actually makes you the one discriminating. Bye!

  • Oh, you don't think I'm a minority either? Oh geez.

    I'm just stating that if you are against discrimination, why are you bringing up things that demean white people? Your articles are written by people who call websites things like "white supremacist websites" without even stating what website they're actually referring to. Be cautious about the types of information you're reading about. If you want equality and everyone to be treated with respect, why are you doing this kind of stuff?

  • The thing I'm confused about, is that I never called you r*cist, and I don't know if others have called you that, but I was pointing out how bringing up topics about white supremacy and cis straight white males were demeaning to white people. However, you're actively said I was a bully for bullying you, and calling you things I never said about you. 

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  • The thing I'm confused about, is that I never called you r*cist, and I don't know if others have called you that, but I was pointing out how bringing up topics about white supremacy and cis straight white males were demeaning to white people. However, you're actively said I was a bully for bullying you, and calling you things I never said about you.