Fav time of year

Hi. I'm new to this site. I have autism and am really isolated, I rarely get out and have no friends, so I thought joining an autistic community would be a good step forward in to better things.

So what's your fav time of year? This is a good "ice breaker" conversation starter apparently. My fav time of year is spring. Everything is coming to life again and growing. The bees start to wake and buzz again. It's not too hot and there are some breathtaking sunsets and sunrises at this time of year.

  • I agree with you re barbecues. People used to eat salad in the heat, now some people choose to stand in the heat in front of hot fire.

  • I like both spring and autumn. spring feels like the season of growth and autum the season of colours because of the leaves. I also like the atmosphere of both seasons, how they are not too warm, not too cold and just right.

  • Winter is my absolute favourite. The smells in the air, I'm convinced I can actually smell when it's winter. The comfy clothes, blankets, feel of the cold rain on my skin, standing barefoot outside, lower lighting outside and shorter days. I love it. But Summer is a season I don't like. I start worrying about it as early as April and finally start relaxing once September arrives. I don't like hot temperatures, I don't understand everyone wanting BBQ's. All the noises that come along with Summer like cars blasting music, neighbours being loud outside until very late etc. Things that I just don't understand just because the sun is out. So yep Winter for me, I love it.

  • I like the spring as well. Definitely my favourite time of year, seeing the plants start to grow and come to life again, watching the wildlife come out from their winter slumber, and the days gradually getting longer and hopefully brighter. Spring is almost a magical time of year and I for one love watching it as it happens.

  • I like spring too. It is exciting when bulb leaves start appearing then the flowers. Winter feels a sad time but Spring brings hope. I like it when we get sunny days but not too warm. I hope the spring weather is around for a while as I hate it when it suddenly gets very hot.

    I love hearing birds singing too.

  • I like the winter as well but find it overwhelming because there's always a lot of people I think because of the approaching festive season.

    I tend to stay inside during the winter months. I like the darkness though, and the cool air, feels nice on my skin when I go out.

  • I like the winter. It's darker and that's kinder to my eyes. I prefer the cooler weather and I love hearing the sound of the fallen leaves crunch as I walk.

  • There's just something so charming about spring. It's lovely. I like how gradually the days get longer and everything grows and get brighter.

  • Spring fan, also, here.

    The new life, the stretch in the evenings, the improving weather.

  • Thank you for the welcome.

    It's such a wonderful time of the year. I love hearing the birds. It's usually the sound of the birds singing that wakes me up in the morning.

  • Welcome Nor! I agree, spring is probably my favourite season too. Lots of bird song, bees waking up and flowers starting to bloom. I love seeing the ducklings on the local lakes and fledgling robins in the garden.