Fav time of year

Hi. I'm new to this site. I have autism and am really isolated, I rarely get out and have no friends, so I thought joining an autistic community would be a good step forward in to better things.

So what's your fav time of year? This is a good "ice breaker" conversation starter apparently. My fav time of year is spring. Everything is coming to life again and growing. The bees start to wake and buzz again. It's not too hot and there are some breathtaking sunsets and sunrises at this time of year.

  • I like the spring as well. Definitely my favourite time of year, seeing the plants start to grow and come to life again, watching the wildlife come out from their winter slumber, and the days gradually getting longer and hopefully brighter. Spring is almost a magical time of year and I for one love watching it as it happens.

  • I like the spring as well. Definitely my favourite time of year, seeing the plants start to grow and come to life again, watching the wildlife come out from their winter slumber, and the days gradually getting longer and hopefully brighter. Spring is almost a magical time of year and I for one love watching it as it happens.

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