Last purchase or gift?

I thought this would be a fun thread to do Slight smile 

I last got a rather cool classic cars book for my birthday on February 4th. I've already read this book from cover to back several times and know it will be one of those books I keep going back to!

Awesome!!! Sunglasses 

  • That sounds like a great birthday gift! Classic cars are always fascinating. My last purchase was a beautiful [link removed] for my sister's graduation. It's such a timeless and personalized gift, perfect for celebrating milestones. What about you all? What was your latest purchase or gift?

  • To be honest my last purchase was supermarket food but the day before I ordered Lavender Oil of Amazon to try and help me sleep. I also also ordered something called Sleep Better which a spray you put on your pillow. Book wise the day befpre that i ordered a book called God's Wiildflowers about 131 saints who had disabilities mental and physical while praticising their faith. I'm not sure now If i will be able to handle it as it is good to relate but I find it hard to read a lot on people distress. It is due tomorrow I think.

  • They are amazing! At school I could hear the teacher just fine but sounds of like pencils and people walking was gone. I felt my anxiety went down and I felt more awake. When I took them out at home then I was surprised on how much stuff I could hear (I would just leave them in all the time but my ear started hurting a bit. 7hrs of them in is probably too much for my ears to handle..)

    My mom even is thinking of buying some. Shes not autistic but she does have trouble focusing her attention on which sounds to hear (like she wont hear someone talking if the heater is on) - which I sort of struggle with too but not as much as her

  • That's very thoughtful of your friend. I hope it helps with your thoughts.

  • How are you finding the loops? Former Member I have several pairs now. I find them a total lifesaver to be honest. Never want to be without them.

  • My last purchase was Loop earplugs

    My last gift would be a valentines flower I got at school today 

  • A very thoughtful gift I received was a birthday present and it was a crystal healing tree my best friend bought it for me to help with any bad thoughts I get.