Last purchase or gift?

I thought this would be a fun thread to do Slight smile 

I last got a rather cool classic cars book for my birthday on February 4th. I've already read this book from cover to back several times and know it will be one of those books I keep going back to!

Awesome!!! Sunglasses 

Parents Reply Children
  • A thoughtful friend is a gift indeed.  If they also find you an appropriate gift (for you); that is a bonus.

    I know that I value it when somebody gives me a gift when they saw something "with your name on it" (meaning: they thought you would find it of interest to you / you would enjoy it ...and it did not need to be strictly "age appropriate" - who makes the rules anyway? - and I don't mean it literally "had your name written on it" like a monogram or engraved!). 

    Even better: is when the gift arrives when your friend thinks you would benefit from it (not just because it is a Birthday or Christmas etc.).

    I try to remember all that: when I give a gift to a friend or relative (or source something to aid a work colleague).