What's your superpower?

Partly because I'm trying to cheer myself up, partly because we need a bit of positivity in life and also because I'd like to get to know you all a bit better, what is your autistic superpower? I prefer to think of the positives that being autistic brings rather than dwell on the things I struggle with and I like to think of my strengths as "superpowers".

Mine are empathy (sometimes my heart can feel like it's going to break or explode!) and spotting details / patterns, particularly in numbers and equations. I also think I see more details in nature than my neurotypical friends (nature is my "special interest") and I get far more joy and excitement from nature than most people do. What are yours?

(Just I case it's confused anyone, I've changed my username, I hope that's OK?)

  • What kind of information do you use your long term memory for?

  • I remember very little unless I write it down but do have a fabulous long term memory. What I would give to have a good short term though 

  • I didn't used to do any type at all as I didn't and couldn't care generally inevitably sadly Sweat smileSobInnocent

  • Thanks for that heads up about the types or levels of empathy. I was wondeirng why I seemed to have it in some situations and none in others. I think I do the two C types but not the E type, if you get my drift.

  • At least that was nearly 15 years ago so hopefully things have progressed and evolved generally since then (and continue to)ThumbsupFingers crossed

  • I completely understand why, I am sorry you had that experience.

  • Exactly, that's what I thought at the time too. I felt very aggrieved and just 'sucked it up' Thumbsdown I've wondered since then that perhaps she'd had personal unpleasant experiences with the word 'pathetic' so maybe was some sort of trigger for her (I guess there's some indication there that my empathy capabilities are on the rise anyway, hopefully) Upside down

  • The course tutor leader called me out in front of the class saying I should say 'empathic' NOT 'empathetic'. I think she had true empathy deficiency problems and issues (amongst other things) imo. The world's gone mad

    That doesn’t make any sense as both words have the same meaning!

  • I did an Introduction to Counselling course in 2007. The course tutor leader called me out in front of the class saying I should say 'empathic' NOT 'empathetic'. I think she had true empathy deficiency problems and issues (amongst other things) imo. The world's gone mad Upside down There are said to be (at least) 3 different levels of empathy too, as we know (cognitive, emotional, compassionate) Slight smile



  • Both very good points!

    As they say, you don't need to be able to out run the lion, just the other prey.

  • It doesn't work so well if the herd ignore you every time. 

    Still, at least the lion (or snake oil salesmen) get to the others first...

  • I have a very good memory short term and long term and my empathy shines like a beacon.

    That’s great! What kind of information do you naturally remember easily?

    For me, I find it very easy to remember facts, numbers and dates, I think this is because of my monotropic brain (interest based nervous system). I am a human vacuum for knowledge, particularly relating to my dedicated interest (our autistic experiences).

  • I have a very good memory short term and long term and my empathy shines like a beacon. As Number said I find it a bit of a curse but also a gift, depending on how things are for me at the given time I guess. I don't like emojis. Lol. I'm not sure that's a superpower but it should be.

  • This interests me (because I believe I share the same blessing/curse of having a strong empathetic connection with other souls.)  I believe I have always had this blessing/curse.  In recent times, I have felt it to be a distinct curse.........what I am receiving from my (perceived) empathetic connections SCARES THE LIVING CARP OUT OF ME ?!


    NO ONE FEEL THAT TOO - those of you who believes they have a strong empathetic connection with others?

    I have not changed the pond within which I swim (for 20 odd years).......so it isn't a change in the type of souls whom I encounter.......so either I am becoming distinctly jaded by life, or else other souls are CHANGING.....in a way that I find troublesome.

    These are genuine questions....not rhetorical ones.  I would be grateful for feedback.

  • I do love how connected it can make me feel

    Yes absolutely! So do I!

  • Hello everyone 

    My superpower is empathy also, I didn’t always look at this as a positive thing but now I do. I have the ability to feel what others feel and can be quite overwhelming tbh. That said I think it is a gift these days. I try my best to control feeling too empathetic by avoiding certain things but I do love how connected it can make me feel.

  • Thank you for such a gracious response.

    You are so welcome!

    I appreciate that, for example, my autistic brain is responsible for my strong sense of justice, which many would consider a strength. It's not a superpower (it's certainly had its downsides) but I do recognise that being autistic can mean having strengths or passions that may not be widely shared.

    Yes absolutely, hence our spiky profile (which stems from our monotropic neurology). Every human has strengths and challenges, it’s just these things can be emphasised for us based on how we allocate our attention and processing resources (monotropism).

  • Thank you for such a gracious response. I appreciate that, for example, my autistic brain is responsible for my strong sense of justice, which many would consider a strength. It's not a superpower (it's certainly had its downsides) but I do recognise that being autistic can mean having strengths or passions that may not be widely shared.

  • It really is an amazing thing to experience.

    Yes absolutely! Synaesthesia means our sensory experiences are multifaceted and interconnected. For example, when I hear words spoken each individual letter has a colour. Also each day of the week has a particular colour and shape, to be more specific Saturday and Sunday are circle shaped because they usually have no assigned structure or routine and are yellow and orange. 

    Growing up I thought it really was a superpower, I had no idea it was a proper thing.

    Completely agree! It’s means we see connections and patterns where others don’t! Neither did I know that this experience had a name, I thought that everyone thought in a similar way to me.

    It makes so much sense that synaesthesia is so common in our autistic community.