"Autistic" things you do.

What "autistic" things do you find yourselves doing? I do a lot of different things which I know a neurotypical wouldn't think twice about.

One of them is making sure everything in my house is straight, so the chairs, my books and DVDs on the shelf, pictures hanging on the wall and plenty more than that.

Recently I was doing up an MG Maestro and had noticed the offside headlight wasn't seated properly and was facing a little to the side. This bothered me so much, playing at the back of my mind until finally I went out and straightened it because I couldn't cope with it not being right.

I feel like I was actually approaching a meltdown, that's how much this sort of thing bothers me.

Am I alone in being this way?

  • i write walls and walls of texts rambles and rants randomly all over the place lol
    i think ive been pretty tame and super short written on this site though so i guess its only certain places i just spew out random data.

    this then makes people who see it think id be super sociable and talky in person but then if they saw me in person im super quiet and short in words, simple basic single word responses, yes, no, fine, ok, what, maybe. although suppose the data spew is because my mind is likely overworking and loud and has many thoughts and never shuts up so then i can just dump million word essays anywhere any time randomly online about anything. likely compensating for not saying anything in person... although i likely wouldnt be able to say things in person if i tried to dump that way, as verbal communication is primitive and inefficient, to get my mind out truly would require telepathy but then i suppose everyone would want to block my mind as it will be too loud and all over the place for them and would telepathically overload them with data lol.... i suppose this is a good thing though as our brains are basically computers meant to store data, the more data running through it and active the more better your brain is working.... well maybe, presumably... my memory can be ***, like how im always having to go back to the locker room after i had my break to see if i left my mobile on the floor and if i actually put it in my bag and locked the locker as i cant remember doing those mundane simple acts.

  • So familiar. My bus was late one day and so I got to the gym late (already got the jaggies from that). I got to gym class and someone had taken my spot and I just couldn't, I just couldn't. I took it out on nautilus instead.  

  • Went for my monthly haircut today. The barber was 15 minutes late for my appointment so I was completely frazzled before he even cut my hair. Once it was done I went to pay and the person at the till was making small talk, wishing me a merry Christmas and telling me they’ll see me next time.

    I could only manage a one word response. “Yes”

  • Another thing I do which I'm thinking might be an autistic thing is owning loads of things that are matching colours.

    For instance, all my writing books are yellow - like the ones I used at school. All my pens are red. All my cups are white. All my plates are blue. The majority of my clothes are black, because it's not a bright colour and doesn't play my eye sensitivity up.
    I only just considered this being an autistic thing I do - colour matching.
  • Thank you! 

    If you do your own as well let me know and I'll subscribe Slight smile

  • That was really kind of you and I'm sure it meant so much to her being accepted like that and not questioned or judged.

  • they get better and better as you go along the first 2 he wrote when he was quite young and they are excessively violent. I love them. especially Look to Windward and, Hydrogen sonata

    you are in for a treat.

    another great space opera saga is gregory Benford's Galactic center saga. I loved those.

  • I've been reading Iain M Banks "Culture" series. They're good so far.

  • No they are drivel. there was one book that takes place way when Ender is in his 50s or 60s that is not bad but it's not worth it.

    You may like some of C J cherryh's work, perhaps?

    Iain M Banks? Alastair Reynolds? I am most drawn to dystopian near future or space opera.

  • I loved GOT as well and lamented his not finishing.

    I was extremely into it some years ago, but I have now accepted he will never write The Winds of Winter and completely given up on it.

    The grammar mistake which annoyed me was a minor character saying "would of" or "could of" in dialogue, which I reconciled in my mind as the character getting it wrong.

    I read the series of which "Ender's Game" is a part of by Orson Scott Card and those were also really bad except for that one book

    I loved Ender's Game. I read it when I was a teenager and identified with Ender. But I didn't read any of the other books in the series, are they worth reading?

  • that was kind. if you like unusual protagonists, try "Motherless Brooklyn".

  • that was what I was trying to figure out with my friend: "why is it so hard, too much?" Some autistic people can do it more than others.

    And for me, i can do it a bit if I feel really safe with the other person.

  • what was the book?

    That was a nice way to get past the glitch. "Hodor!"

    I loved GOT as well and lamented his not finishing. I also read a history of Westeros, his literary autobiography and the stories with the hedge knight.

    I have actually amended a text on the page to move on once or twice. Once I was reading a library book and saw someone else had done the same thing.... say, was that you?..

    Once I saw a continuity flaw in an Agatha Christie mystery, that was hard to take, at the reveal at the end I was outraged!

    I read the series of which "Ender's Game" is a part of by Orson Scott Card and those were also really bad except for that one book. It was then that I knew myself to be a hopeless completest! slogging through to the dismal end.

  • I tried some eye contact videos on YouTube. For example, this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w3cYtJekpw

    I think there might be something wrong with me because I just can't do it. It's horrible, horrible, horrible. I feel horrible, even though it's not real. I have to look away. It's too much. I've never made it more than 20 seconds in that video.

    I'm hoping someone will tell me that this video isn't normal and this isn't how much eye contact people have. I feel ill from looking at this video again. I do want to look into people's eyes, it's just that it is not a very nice experience for me, so I have avoided doing it.

  • I tried an experiment with a friend of mine: I wanted to practice eye contact and she would help me.

    It was very hard at first but I stared and saw into her iris at the way her cataract surgery implant set, how it made a sort of sparkle. and that the other one was going to need one. She was surprised that I could tell.

    I asked her how long is the right amount of time, what percentage of time, which eye? It was scary. I felt scared but I trusted her and it got funny. She has pretty sky blue eyes.

  • I loved the Song of Ice and Fire books. I got really into them as a special interest (before the Game of Thrones TV show). Though I do concede all the foreshadowing and subtext went totally over my head, so I had to read multiple times.

    There is one particular grammar mistake, and to be fair it's a very long series of books. But I really struggled to move past it. Eventually I managed to reconcile it in my mind with the idea that the person who was speaking at the time was stupid, and so the mistake was his, rather than the author's. But it still doesn't sit right with me, since it would be pronounced the same. And don't they have proofreaders and editors? And it's been published for decades and not corrected?

    I'm the same with completing though, I feel like I have to complete a book, no matter how bad. There has only been one book I ever gave up on.

  • Freeze in place in cacophony, overload or too much cognitive dissonance.

    I've done this before - the freeze in place when overwhelmed. It's like there's a lag on my sensory processing.

    Noticing peoples new hair, nails, eyebrows, shoes, buttons, clothing etc hard pressed to remember their eye color.

    I don't know what colour anyone's eyes are, but I point out other details that nobody else notices.

  • I am like as you describe with books. If there is a breach in continuity or a character or there a grammar blooper I get thrown right out of the world of the story. Add to that the need to finish a book (whole of a space opera world's opuses) once started, even if it's horrid. although L Ron Hubbard's work was SOOO bad I burned it so's not to have to finish it.

  • I love this quote. I so relate.

    I don’t do meanwhile
  • see a sheet of paper, fold a piece of paper, origami or geometric toys.

    slamming flat palm on hard surfaces when excited, surprised, If melting i do it very hard repeatedly.

    Tapping tips of fingers on surfaces for punctuation, reassure, transitions.

    dancing (I don't even know I'm dancing) when/wherever music is playing.

    Freeze in place in cacophony, overload or too much cognitive dissonance. 

    mapping small and large journeys before I take them. I have to know the whole route before the first connection and sometimes

    keep a list in hand and mark off the progress, like tube stops, boarding area and times etc

    Noticing peoples new hair, nails, eyebrows, shoes, buttons, clothing etc hard pressed to remember their eye color.

    feeling following currents of energy in the air, water witching sorts of things.

    foot to foot rocking while waiting conversing

    Do not like putting my back against the backs of chairs, unless I am cross legged.
